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� <br />Septemher 4, 1974 <br />� PLANNING REPORT <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLlCAN�: <br />LOCATI ON : <br />ACT14N REQUESTED: <br />PLANNING CaNSIDERATI�NS: <br />► <br />i <br />845-74 <br />Kenneth Reinhardt <br />2364 Victoria Sfirset <br />Rosevi E I e, Mi nnesota <br />Southwest Corner of Caur�iy Road B-2 and <br />Da! e 5treet <br />Rezvning Frorn K-t to R-3A <br />i. The properiy ir� question is a corner lot rneasuring T36.5 Eeet of Frontage <br />an Dale Streef and 180,7 feef of frantage on County Road B-2 (after <br />taking aff 10 feet of aaditional dedication for Dafe Street) and inc[udes <br />24.638 square or .5b acres, � <br />� <br />2. The land is c�rrentiy zaned R-1 single family resicfence. The applicant <br />is requesting i-he land fio be rezoned R-3A for ihe purpose of buiidinc� <br />an �1 unit, 12 sfiory apartment structure wiih 11 garage units sirr�ilar to <br />the �wo bui(dings �reviously constructed by the app}icant on properties <br />one fot removed to t#�e sauth. The 11 one bedroom units would reyuiee <br />22, 000 square feet of property under the r�qui Fements of the l2-3A zonE <br />at 2,OQ0 sqvare feet per u�it. TF�e other elements of fihe site plan as <br />praposecf conforms to the req�irements o� the R--3A zone, <br />3. The property in question (as wei I as the Idt to the sout�) appears on t�e <br />1969 City Land Use Plan qs an appropriai�e s+te for "mixed resideniial" <br />couni-y development, normally consfrued to be of iypic�l townhouse <br />densifiy not to exceed 1Q unifs per acre (the applicants proposal is at <br />a densifiy of 19.4 �nits per acre). <br />The i972-73 restudy of the rnuEtiple residentia� areas oF fii�e �969 <br />Comprehensive Plan reaf�irme� the original decision fio plan far a <br />"mixed density" in the prop�rties nortE� of the two exis�ing apartrnent <br />units (includirig the property in 9uestion}. Again, the density is <br />normal�y at townF�ouse density of a rrzaximurn of 10 units per acre <br />(rnost tov��n�ousi ng i n this metropol i tc�n area is at a densi #y from 6 Po <br />8 units per acre). <br />