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, Page Two $eptember 4, �97' <br />� t. <br />4, The drexwing on the sheet faliowir�g this report shows t�ie relotipnsl�ip <br />t' %et�ween i�e exisfing apdrtrr�ent� buifdings (awned and operqEed by Mr. <br />Reinhardt} and the land to the no�rh (occupied by a single family home) <br />and the property in question {a purchase from the accupant of the afFore- <br />menti onsd si ng� e fami i y horrie) . <br />Some background on the development of the area may be helpfvi: <br />a) The first of the fiwo existing 12 stary 11 unif.buildings was built <br />by the appl i cant i n 1963 , The second was bui I t i n 1968. <br />b) The reasons far the approval at that tim� included tl,e facr that the <br />property across �he s�reet ta Fhe east was committed to qvasi--public uses <br />(c�urch and school) and that the property in question was committed to <br />fron4�.ing on Dale Street (a major tharoughfare and normally not a desir- <br />able frontage for Fypical single family development�. The property was <br />purchased f�om the occupant of the hom� an the northeast carner of <br />�ovell Avenue. The lZ story height was aiso considered more desirab(e <br />than t'he usual 22 story buildings being clane at that fiime. <br />c} The applicant through fihe years has fcept the buildings and grounds <br />in a neat condition, and the units �ave had very few vacancies. <br />d) In December of 1971 t�e appl i cant pppl i ed for q rezoni ng of fihe properFy <br />i� question fo consi�r�ct rhe buiiding currently in question. T�he application <br />was recorr�rrtended for approval 6y the Plartning Commission and de�ied by <br />the Council (6ot-h on spl�t vates}, <br />e) In September of 1972 f-Ehe appl i cant requested i-he Counci I for rezoni ng <br />(for the same purpose) and the Cavnci ! vofec! not t�o vrder the heari ngs 'For <br />�he rezaning process without the approvaf of 50% of t�e praperty owners <br />within 250 feefi in which case the hearings must 6e he.ld and a decision <br />made. (The Cauncil may schedule #he hearings without such a pefiitior� <br />i f, i P desi res to da so) <br />f) In the spring of 1974 the subject propert�r was one of several in the area <br />considered as a poter�tiaf �ice station site with the fina! selection by fihe <br />Planning Commission and Council ti�at of property between Love11 and Cape <br />Avenues, wesf of Dale Street. <br />S. You wil! note from the drawing that the ultimate plan as proposed by Mr, <br />Reinhardt is to acquir� the horne to the soutE� of fihe property in q�estion <br />� <br />v <br />