<br />EW4 G�.irley Moved, Demos Seconded, ihat the City Attorney be
<br />instructed to prepare a resolution coirnnencing cond.ei►mation of
<br />property for proposed park use in the area of Acox°n Park and
<br />Rice Stx°eet� Roll Call, Ayes; Gtxrley, Dem�s, Hess, Brennan
<br />and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />E-5 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that Hillcrest Sa.fety Equipment
<br />Company, 572b Woodstock Avenue, Golden Valley, be awarded the
<br />contract on 51 New Tone Actzvated Receivers in the amount of
<br />$9,384o00A Roll Call, Ayes: Curiey, Demos, Hess, Brennan and
<br />L ineb a�°ger o Nays : None a
<br />E�-6 Curl.ey Moved., Hess Seconded, tha.t En.gler's Theatre request for
<br />variance to sxgn size at 1201 Larpenteur Avenue be referx°ed to
<br />the Planning Cormniss�.ono Roll Call, Ayes: Gitrley, Demos, Hess,
<br />Brennan and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />Cux°ley Moved, Hess Seconded, that the request of Jell Associates
<br />for a var�iance to szgn placement and building height at 2540
<br />Narth Cleveland Avenue be referred to the Planning C�nmisszon.
<br />Roll Call, Ayes: GYzrley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebarger.
<br />Nays: Naneo
<br />E-7 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the fourth and final payment
<br />to Barbarossa and Sons, Inco in the amount of $1,330.43 for the
<br />completion of Cambined Impravements of 1972, Series A, Pro�ect
<br />Noo 1 be approvede Ro1I Ca11, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess,
<br />Brennan and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />�-8 Hess Moved, Brennan Seconded, ihat Payment Noo 1 of 1974 Series
<br />7 to Co Wo Houle Landscapir�g Campany be approved in the amount
<br />of $60,49I�47o Roll Call, Ayes: Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan
<br />and Linebar�gere Nays : Nonea
<br />E-9 Demos Moved, Gurley Seconded, that Resolution No. 6173 regarding
<br />reapportiornnent of assessments be adoptedo Ro11 CaI1, Ayes:
<br />C�zx°ley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebarger. Nays: Nonee
<br />EmIO Hess Moved, Brennan Seconderl, that Resolution No. 6174 certifying
<br />the unpaid sanitary sewer and water accounts to the Ramsey County
<br />Auditor for collect�on dux°ing 1975 be adapted. Rol.� Call, Ayes:
<br />Curley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebaxgero Nays: Noneo
<br />E-I1 Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, that the I�.cen.ses be appxoved. Roll
<br />Call, Ayes: Curley, Demr�s, Hess, Brennan and Linebax°ger. Nays:
<br />Noneo
<br />E-12 Hess Moved, Brennan Secanded, thafi ihe bills be paid. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: C�Z�°ley, Demos, Hess, Brennan and Linebargero Nays: Noneo
<br />Pi2fJ�ERTY
<br />51 NEW TONE
<br />RE50LUFION
<br />N0, 6173
<br />RESOLU'�' I ON
<br />I�. 5174
<br />BTLLS
<br />