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-z- <br />and the following vated against the same: <br />WI-�tEUPON, said resalution was declared duly passed <br />and adopted. <br />STAI'E OF MINN�SO2'A) <br />) SS <br />COUNf'Y OF RANLSEY ) <br />I, the unc�ersigned, being the duly qualified Manager <br />of the City of Rosevi].le, N°�nnesota, do hereby cer�ify �ha� I <br />have carefully compared the a�fached and foregaing extract af minutes <br />of a regular meetirig of the City Cauncil of the City of Rosevi.11e, <br />held November 25, 197�, with the original fil.ed in my office, and <br />the sa�ne is a ful1, true and complete �ranscript thereaf inso£ar <br />as the same x�lat�s to approva� flf �he proviszans of Laws Z973, <br />Chap�er 464, as it applies ta the Ci�y of Roseville. <br />WITNESS MY �IAND this day a� Nove�nber, 1974. <br />air�.es . re <br />City Nlanager <br />SEAIr <br />