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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 09/26/05 <br />Minutes - Page 18 <br /> <br />2.5' along the thin portion of the flag lot. In addition, Mr. <br />Bochee was requesting 15' of frontage, requiring a 70' variance <br />to the normal 85' frontage. Mr. Welsch further noted that the <br />parcel was in excess of 36,000 square feet, divided into two <br />parcels: one (12,000 square feet of land) and including the <br />existing home and a new garage (west parcel); and the second <br />(24,000 square feet of land) for a new home (east parcel) to be <br />occupied by the owner. <br /> <br />Mr. Welsch further reviewed the parcels from an aerial <br />perspective; the steep contours on the east side of the site; <br />location of an existing sewer line; and placement of the existing <br />and proposed homes in relation to the parcels. <br /> <br />Upon review of the request, and application of standard hardship <br />tests for determination of whether a variance request was <br />eligible, the Planning Commission and staff recommended <br />approval of the request by Mr. Bochee for the requested <br />variances; and a two lot minor subdivision of property located at <br />2808 Lakeview Avenue, subject to conditions as indicated in <br />Section 6 of the staff report dated September 26,2005. <br /> <br />Discussion included properties (Anderson and Flagstaff) north of <br />the proposed new home; access points; driveway and setback <br />width; location and potential relocation of the fire hydrant; <br />reconfiguration of the homes rear and front yard applications; <br />drainage issues; staff's ability to limit issuance of a building <br />permit until adequate grading plans were received and approved, <br />potentially necessitating a holding pond on Parcel B to facilitate <br />drainage. <br /> <br />Rick Bochee, Applicant, 2540 N Snelling Curve <br />Councilmember Maschka questioned whether consideration was <br />given by Mr. Bochee, rather than for a variance request, to tear <br />down the house on Parcel A, turn the house north and located <br />further south on the lot; and make the lot more usable for <br />neighborhood compatibility. <br /> <br />Mr. Bochee responded that his intent was to relocate the front <br />entry and remodel the home on Parcel A; build a new house on <br />Parcel B; and screening Parcel B from the adjoining home on the <br />