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i1�P�10: Dec. 3, 1974 <br />TG: Planning Cnr�mission; Steve iaortn, Sec. <br />FROP�: Assistant Ci�y Engineer <br />RE: Yova F:l usar f�9obi i e Fior�e �tezani ng <br />P�1r. �lusar pres�nted a�evised site plan to �he City Counc-il for his r�obii� <br />hor�e parlc whi ch th� counci � has referred bacic to the �i anni ng Corr�m� ssi on. A <br />revi sed s i te pl an ansvret^s some of the questi ons �hat v��re rai sed i n tf�e pre- <br />vious Planning Commissian hearing. <br />Fo7loaring are points whicn were brought up for discussiori at the Planning <br />Commission hearing and wi�ich shauld be reviewed at ti�is time. <br />�1) In ti�e revised site plan, t11r. Klusar i�as shovm the road . <br />moved�erly away from the pond lacated at the bac�C (ti�ies�) o� tlie praperty. <br />1�e aroul d recoinrnend that the road be modi fi ed sl i ghtly Go forr� a more "squared <br />off" roadway, than is si�otvn an the revised plan. t�e ►r�ou7d also ree�uire tt�at <br />curb and gutter be: prov� ded a��rag tl�e west�rn edge o� thi s r�ad sa ti�at storm <br />drainage cou7d be braug�t to a s�ng�e autiet point for discharge to �he pand. <br />At �his point, we wiil require a catch basin type of structure witl� a sump to <br />be constructed with an unde�ground pipe discharging the water fio ��e pond over <br />a r�prap spi7iway. <br />(2) i�r. Klusar has snowr� that t�e area direc�ly aUove ti�e sanitary <br />se4�er ea$e�n�n� wi 71 be occupi ed by �he cannec�ar raad bet4leen th� iwo m,ai n <br />roads of i� i s d�v�l opment and t��at the trai l ers wi I 1 be ] acated i n such a r�ay <br />sa as no� to hinder efforts �o repair tne searer main. <br />{3) Ly�2 wnuld recommend that if emerg�ncy access is provided from <br />Duniap 5treet, tfiat this access be paved and regularly plowed during the winter. <br />As an a1�ernate to emergency access from Dur�lap Street, the staff would recom- <br />mend that access iae provi ded at �ti�� nort�ern edae of tne praper�y �•ri th a�ri ve <br />that woul d s�art at l.exi ngton Avertue and run to the nort� and vaest of tn� garage <br />that is shown to th� northerly mas-� roadway in the deve}opment. <br />(4} As the city f�as very �r�com�lete records concerning th� sanitary <br />se�ver system in the praposed develop��nt, vre would recorunend that the d�veloper <br />take speciai care zf anv ser�rer leads now ex�sting would have to be a�ancioned <br />wi�h the futcare deve7opment. <br />(�} �r. Klusar has shown additiona7 rzght-of--way to be dedicated orr <br />Lex�ngtQn Aven�e and the staff would request �t�at this be made a condition of <br />the motion, if approved. <br />--;� ��i� <br />T. M. K. <br />