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ExTrta,cT oF rirr�nr���s o� uFCt� r�n:�T��� o� ��-� <br />CIT'Y COUNCIL Qk R05EVILLE, 1�ffNNFSOTA - HELD <br />DECIl��F.,R 9, 197� <br />:� � � � � � � :� � x �: � � � � � n � � � ; � � � <br />Pursuant �o due call and not��e thereof, a regular mee�ing <br />of the City Coi.mci.1 of the Czty of Roseville, A�inneso�a, �,aas duly <br />called and held at the City Hall in said Cxty on ihe 9th day of <br />Decernber, 1974, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. <br />The following menbers were presen�: <br />and rhe following members were ahsent: <br />Iulember introduced the fol�owing resolution <br />and movec� its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N0. <br />tiVi�REAS, it is the intenti.on of the City of Rosevil�e to <br />enter in�o a Lease with the Coun.ty o� Ramsey whereby the County of <br />F.amsey will 1e�se cextain rooms in the Rosevil�e City HaJ.l for the <br />aperation of th� Ramsey County Court; <br />Wf-�P.EAS, the City of. Rosevi�le reques�s and des'ires f.har <br />regu�.ar terms of the R�nsey County Caurt be held in the Cxty of <br />Roseville; <br />NOW, T��P.�FORE, BE IT RES�LVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL Q� THE <br />C ITY OF ROSEVILI,� AS FOLLOV��S : <br />1. The City of Raseville hEreby requests the Ramsey Coun�y <br />Ca�t ho1� terms for the City of Rosevi�.�e for the trial of al� <br />cr�minal actions and other matters as d�termined �ay the Coimty Cauxt <br />and further requests that traf�ic and crintinal arraignment be hel.d at <br />least once each week in �he evenzng after 7:OQ p.m. in accordance with <br />C�apter 397 of �he 1974 Session Laws amending l�'Iinneso�a Sfatuies, 1973 <br />5upplement, Sectian 438A.I8 Sub division J.3. <br />2. '17ie ��anager and ��[ayor are hereby authorized on behalf of <br />the City of Rosevil�.e to execu�e a Lease bet�aeen the Ci.ty of Roseville <br />and the County of Rarnsey, a copy o£ saia Lease is atta.ched hEreto and <br />made a part hexeof. <br />The motian for the adoption of the foregoing resolution <br />was duly seCOnded by �Iember and upon a vote being iaken <br />therean, the follotiving voted in favor thereof: <br />and the followzng voted agains� the same; <br />� <br />