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WF-�EUPON, said Resalutaon was declared dtz�y passed and <br />adop ted . <br />S'I'ATE OF P�ISNIIESOTA} <br />) SS <br />C�U1�1TY OF RA1+iSEY ) <br />I, the un.dersigned, being the duly quaZified acting <br />Nianager af the Ci�ty o£ Rosevzlle, l�.innesota, do hereby certz£y that <br />I have carefully compared the at�ached and faregaing extxact af <br />iainutes of a regular meeting of �he City Cattncil of �he Czty o£ <br />Rosevi.11e, 1�Iinnesota, held on �he 9th day of Dece�ber, I9'14, with the <br />original on file in my o�fice, and the saTtie is a fiz11, true anc� complete <br />traszscript therefrom inso�ar as the same rela'tes to a resolution <br />authoxizing the execut�an of the Lease between t�e City of Roseville and <br />�he Co�zn�y of Ramsey ari�. also requesiing that regular terms of the <br />Ramsey Caunty Couxt be held in the Ca.ty of �oseville. " <br />�'�ITN�SS MY HA►yD as such Manager and the corparate seal <br />of the City of Rosev�Il.e, I�iinn.esota, this day o� December, 1974. <br />James �'. xe <br />Ci�y Manager <br />SEAL <br />