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' _ �`x�:t , \ <br />f p } <br />4 ' � <br />��4 /��b�.t. <br />��..R , �, y z_ <br />� iy`1, 'J�' Y 1'r <br />�'+� r�� ' <br />k •�r <br />i`�� � - � <br />�o���� c������ ���� �ou����o� <br />Navember 22, i974 <br />Mr. James Andre, City <br />City �f Roseville <br />2701 North Lexington <br />Rosevilie, �linnesota� <br />Dear Jim: <br />Manager� <br />Av�nue <br />55i13 <br />� --_--- ----_-_ - ____ _ _-- <br />5r ..,�:-- � �`- -:�� ,-. �;.. --� <br />�<`� � : °'�- - ., � � -. � � � <br />- _- __ '`,` `� f� <br />- � r��$ <br />.`� <br />PJ Q �( 2 � 19}� <br />���l�� o� C1i�Y MI�i���,G�� <br />W F:osevii.::, , .nne;ota <br />I am enclosing herewith project Propo�al from the Central <br />Park Deveiopm�nt Co�€�itt�e for the purchase of plans from the <br />t�linnesota Environmer�tal Science Fo�ndation, Inc. in the amaunt <br />of $5,687.00. This is -for Professiona� Services in developing <br />a master pian for the Central Park Nature Interpretive Area, <br />S°ctiort C. <br />Sinee you were present at the Board meeting yo� wili <br />remember tlia� I d�d raise a ques�ion as to the advisability <br />of distributing more of our Foundation funds �For plans <br />�vi thou� knowi ng v�dhere funds to i mpl er�ent the tii ans woul d <br />come fram. Since ��vas Chairman of the mee�ing, of course <br />� cou1d not reg�ster a vote. <br />I am sti11 concerned about the exnenditure of �5,687.00 <br />for plans and a greater concern as to wi�ether the nature area <br />is a mare important deveiopment �han other areas of �he parfc. <br />It seems that in past years numerous funds have been expended <br />-for pl ans wh� ch to my Ecr�o��rl edc�e have not always been feas i b1 e <br />tv develop and implement. Therefore, I rrrauld ask tha� uniess <br />the City o�F Roseville has a very s�ecia1 interesi in this <br />nature area o-F Centra7 �ark -�hat they g�ve very carefui con- <br />sideration to approving this expenditure - can7ess, of caurse, <br />the City is willing to assis� in this particular cost. <br />Sincerely, <br />� <br />Mrs: I�arold J'. S�F`aw3 k, President <br />Rosev�lle C�ntr�7 Park Foundation <br />