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i���1���71 r�R \.s����.r�� W1r���� DA7E: 1�°:i-/4 <br />AGEh'VbA SEC7EON : <br />Reports �x Recarmnenc�ations <br />�-(; <br />GiiVA7iNG QEPT./b1V.: <br />Adm <br />,:o I i � ��++ u�sc►�i;�,-�cN� Roseville Cen��ra1 Park Foundatzon Request <br />DEPT. HEQD APPROVAL. <br />MGR. REV{EWED/ RECOMMEPJDS . <br />�.� ����--� <br />�l��ached zs a px'oject pxaposal from the Rosevil�e Central Park Foundaiian reqt�estizzg <br />Cot�n.ciZ approv�l to retain a consultan.t to �etiTelop a p1an for the Nature Tnterpretative <br />Area. The cast of these services would be �5,b87.OQ �d would be paid by the F�aundation. <br />The plat�. would entail location and design recor,imendations and cost esta.►na�es far the <br />develapment of the Nature�Intierpretative Area; and include activities and facilities <br />such as �rail systems, p1an� ma�erials, drainage ways, wildl.ife habitat, canoezng, <br />edu�ational, foat bridges, etc. <br />The purpose of such a study is to pravide a detailea design and location plan that would <br />enabl.e interested cor�r►tuii�y groups to undertake projects thaf would fit in �ith an <br />overa2l long term pla.n. It is canter�plated many af the proj ects such as trazls , <br />planting, small foot bridges, etc. could. b� handled by these variaus correnunity groups. <br />However, there concezvably will be projec�s or facili�ies that ivou3d be requ�.xed to be <br />done by outside contract foundation and involve substantial expenditures, such as <br />dredging of water ways, larger faat br�dges and the Nature Zn�Cerpretatave C;enter <br />building. �i16 SOL12'CE nf financing these ?]?1??'? SUbStBIlti?1 r�rniPrtc h� n�t �PPT <br />r_..� ���� <br />specifical.Iy identified. <br />Action I2�quested: D7otion (app�-ovir�g) (denying) the Raseville Central Paxk <br />Fouridation pxoject proposal to xetain a consul�ant to <br />develop a�4aster Plan �or the Central Park Nature <br />In�erpxetative Center. <br />