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� <br />I�TRODUETI0�1 <br />This is a proposal by the Minneso�a Er�v�ron- <br />mental Sciences Foundation, Ir�c. (MESFI} �� <br />ren�er to �he Central Park Foundation, RosevilT�, <br />Minnesota, certain professional services <br />descri�ed in the proposals that fo�los�v. This <br />Aroposal consists o-F four parts; each par-� f�17y <br />describes the types of services to be rendered <br />and �ne estimat�d cost af such services. <br />The four parts consist of: Proposal 1- <br />Pr�7iminary Plan, C�ntra7 Park �lature Inter- <br />pretive Area; Pro�osal 2- Master Pian,-�entral <br />Park Nature Interpret�ve Area; Proposai 3- <br />Inftia7 Design and Plann�ng, Centra] Park <br />t�ature Tnterpret�ve Center; and Proposal 4- <br />Schemat�c Pi� Design, Cent�^ai Park Nature <br />In�erpreti�re Center. <br />The pr�eparation of this proposai is an ou�gro�ltp� <br />of a series of ineet�ngs with representat�v�s <br />of the Minnesota �nvironmental Sciences <br />�ounda�ior�, Ince; Mr. 7ed Ma7i�or, Ch�irman, <br />Cen-�ra3 Park Founda�ion; t�lr. Frank Rog, <br />Direc�or, Rasev;ile Park and Recreati�n <br />Departnent; and Mr. Truman Ho�re11 , F�orty, <br />�lvfng & Assoc�ates. <br />Fieid v�s�ts have been made •by the pTanners <br />on twa separate �ccasions, ihe Central Aark <br />area is we7� sui�ed for the deveiopment of a <br />nature in-�erpretive area and active r•ecreatio� <br />si�e. There a;�e many na�urai fea�ures that <br />have potential educa�ional and. recreatior�a� <br />value to Rosevi�ie area cit�zer�s. <br />Abundant o�en land, -Fores�, prair�e, and marsh <br />land exist for� the development o-� an autstanding <br />cof�mun�-�y-based na�ure interPreiive center. <br />Planners wouid encourage �i�e �nvolvement of <br />students, adul�s, and pro�essionals in the <br />plar�n�ng and development of the szte. <br />� <br />