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t,' '� F v <br />{�Si ..Ai.�' �� �C�' Y'�i .a5 � � <br />It is anticipated �hat lacaZ schoa7s wi7� have <br />oppor�unities to uti7ize the Central Park si�e <br />�or their environmental educa�ion programs. <br />4Jith thorougn p�anning, the Centra7 Paric area <br />can adequately serve an expanding population <br />and at the same tim� su�por� many diverse and <br />interesting species of plants and W3�d�Ii'F2. <br />The consultants understand that suggested sit� <br />modifica�ions, improvements, and developments <br />,�wil� be d�si�ned to preserve the zr�tegrity �-F �he <br />natural site qualitie� whi�e providing visi�ors <br />the opportunity for meaningful educationalj <br />recrea�ional experiences. The N{�nneso�a <br />�nvironmental Sciences Faundation has assisted <br />more than 300 organizations and groups in the <br />d�sign and development of outdoor centers� <br />school sites, and environmental educa-��an <br />projects. Our pianning team is especiai7y <br />prepared to t�elp des�g� and develop learning <br />areas und interpretive cen�ers or� public lands. <br />The Minnesota Er�vironmental Sciences Founda�,ion <br />is now serv�ng municipal park boards and <br />commission5, private 7and owners, camps, govern-- <br />mental agencies, and businesses as plahning <br />consultan�s. The ne� result of tf�is type o-F <br />activity is t�at more and more people ar� <br />developing an understand�i�g oi environmental <br />reiatipnships because they now hav� access t� <br />planned and program;ned educat�onal/recrea�ional <br />sites. <br />Praposal Nlodifications <br />If the service.s r�quired by the Centra� Paric <br />Founda'tion differ from those outlined in <br />Proposa7s �, 2, 3, or 4, as follows, adjusir�ents <br />in serv�ces and'costs wi17 be made to mc�re <br />c1osely reflect the clien�'s requirements �nd <br />the planners' time input. ]�e appreciate this <br />opportunity to prepare the attached proposa7s <br />for your cansideration. <br />� <br />