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5. Reco�mend plant materials far buffer <br />p�an��ngs, aes�hetic, and wil�life <br />habitat im�rovements. <br />6. Exa�ine wetland �reas, drai�age ways, <br />impou�dmen�s, ponds, b�aches, marsh <br />fringe areas, and other aquatic <br />habitats within Centrai Park �or <br />potential use as wa�er �rails, water- <br />fo�l nes�ing areas, general habi�at <br />improv�ments, management s�tes, <br />canoeing �nd sa�ling, visitor access, <br />and a�her recreational/ed�cational <br />usage. <br />7. Develop a s�te p7an based on fie7d <br />examinations, wiih par��cular ��phasi� <br />in the area of natural habitat manage- <br />ment, imgrovement, development, and <br />in�erpretati�n. l�he site plan wi11 not <br />be a redra�ing af already existing plans, <br />but will be a refinement af �hose p7ans <br />with incorporation of new da�a and <br />informat�on. <br />B. A brief written re�ort +r�ill be included, <br />capsulizi�►g and explaining the pre�iminary <br />p�ans for Centra7 Park. <br />C4S7 ESTIP�IA�E FOR PROPOSAL 1- PRELIMINARY <br />PLAN, CENTRF�L PARK N�-�URE I�ITERPRETI�lE <br />AREA .................................. $ 2,30G.0� <br />includes des�gn and plann�ng fees <br />travel, per dzem expenses, and <br />reprod�ct�on of ten (i0} sets of <br />materlals for• the ciient. <br />I�OTE: C1 i ent and Rosz��i �� e Par[cs and <br />Recrea�ion De�art��rt -�o fUrnish <br />any aerial pi�otographs, base ma�s, <br />sai 1 s i nforma �.� on , pl ans , and <br />other materia7s �hey have in <br />their files for plannin� purposes. <br />� <br />