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H <br />� _ �:, <br />: r. � � <br />PROPOSAI. i <br />PREI..IMIhARY PLAN <br />C�NTP.AL PARK NATURE I�lTERPRETIVE AREA <br />A. MESFI•planning staff wil� conduct the <br />following field surveys and formulate a <br />se� of recommendations u�ilizing th�m in <br />the deveiopment of a preliminary plan fflr <br />Central Park. <br />1. Identi fy , 1 ocate , and de1 i nea�e <br />important areas such as: eco7agic <br />featu-res , natural communi t� es , and <br />dominant vegeta�ion {7ncluding such <br />things as forest age, grawth patterns, <br />past u�ilization}. <br />2. Locate and del�neate most -Feasibie <br />�raii systems, taking into co�siderat�on <br />topographic and vegetative features, <br />anticipated ecfucational/recz°eatic�nal <br />usage, and aesth�tic compatibil�ty <br />with th� surroundings. <br />3. �tecommend the site most apprapriate <br />for a natur� in�erpretive centEr. <br />Considerations to includ�: <br />a. Proxi�r�� ty to tra-i 1 systems , <br />b. Impact or► surroundir►g envir�n�n�nt, <br />c. Utilities, <br />d. R�creationai activity centers, <br />e. Visual impact, <br />f. Program alternatives, <br />g. Uti�7zation, and <br />h. Budget�considera�ions. <br />�-. Suggest � acati on o-� educational st�idy <br />and observation areas. <br />� <br />'�.: <br />