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�XTRACT QF t�3I��JUTES 0� R£GIiL{IR 1�1��TZidG OF THE CITY C�LiJCIL <br />OF F�OSEVIf.L�, t-IIidi�l�50TA, H�L� O�J Decemb�r 9, 1974 <br />* � � * * * * * * ��� � <br />Pursuant to due call and no'tic� thereof, a regular m�eting <br />of the Ci�.y Council af tf�e Cit.y of Rosevil7e, f7innesota, ►aas duly ca�1ed <br />and heid at the City Nall in said C�ty on ihe 9tn d�y af Decem�er, 1974, <br />The fol l owi ng rnenibers were .preser�t : <br />and the fo7lowin4 members were absent: <br />Member in�roduced the folZoti�inq resalution and <br />r�oved i ts adopti on : <br />R�50LU7Yp�ti rd0. - <br />R�S�LUTFQf� AMEidDI;JG RESO�[ITIOi�i i�l0. 6�63 <br />i•ifIERERS, the Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci tyo uf Rosevi i3 � vacated <br />portians af Grandview Avenue and P4atzlda Street in Resalutrton P�o. GIG3, <br />and; <br />WH�REAS, the Ramsey County Regist�r of Titles refus�s tc� accept <br />the vacation as the description of tne streeis invo1ved does not meet <br />thei r cri teri a; <br />�dt�W, TFiEREFOitE, IT IS fI�REBY RESOLUEp:. <br />7he Ci�_y Council nf the City of Roseville hereby amends t��e <br />dE5 CY'3 }l�l Of� used i n Resal uti on i1o. 6163 to read as foi 1 ows : <br />7i�at portion of Grandview Avenue lying be�ween the East iine <br />of Lot 1, Blacic 2, {�illsboroug� ,�da. 2 ext�nded south, a��d <br />tl�e �Jest line of Lot 1, 137ac�; 2, �ii7lsborouqh ��o. 2 extend�d <br />Sauth and t}�at portion of the Plortn one-ha]f (;d-'z) o� uismarck <br />Street 7ying westerly of the extensian across it af the East <br />line of P�iatiIda Street, as shown on the plat of Jay's Ricz <br />Str�et Addition to Sa7nt Paul anr� �aster7y of the extension <br />across it of tne East l�ne of Lot 9, �lock 5, Rice Street <br />Grandvie�v Addi�ion. <br />� <br />� <br />