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7he motion for the adoption of tne foregoing resalution <br />ti•aas duiy secanded by r�ember , and upon a vote being ta�Cen, <br />the foilowing voted against the same: <br />S-JHEREUPOP•J, the said resolution was declared duly passed <br />and adop�ed. <br />S1'A7E OF t�IiV;�fESDTA) <br />- ) SS <br />cour�lTY o� �Ar�s�v } <br />I, the undersigned, being the d'uly yualified and acting <br />1�•�anagEr of the Gi�y of Roseville, Nlinnesota, do hereby certify that <br />I have care-Fuily comparded the attached and far�going extra�t of <br />minutes of a regular meeting of the Cit,y Counci] o� the City of <br />Roseville, M�nnesota, held on the 9th day of Decer�ber, 1974, with <br />the original on file in ray office, ar�d the same is a fuZl, true and <br />corriplete transcripi therefr�om insofar as the same relates to a <br />res�]u�ion amending Resalution ;�la. 6163. <br />s•JITClESS my hana as such Manager and �he corporate seal o�f <br />ti�e Ci ty of 12osevi 11 e, P�i nnesota, thi s day of Decenber, i974. <br />SEAL <br />� <br />Ci ty �Nanager <br />0 <br />