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Deccml�er 23, 1974 <br />T0: Council <br />1�RO�t: Jim Andxe, I�tanager <br />SUBJEGi : S:i.". Joirt "g�ee7�.�^n4 - P.e: �5F R�t�. �.ppliea.ta_ons <br />Aitached i.s a Joint and Coeperat�.ve Agreer.�ent with the Sub�xban Rate Autho.rity <br />to provide a coordinated effort of muni.cipal interests in proceedinos before <br />�he Public Service Commzssiori on utility rate �natters.. <br />This pxo�osed axrang.ement has beEn coordinated by the League of [�7znnesata <br />P�funicipalities and Uras zn response to bath metropolitan and out-state <br />municipalities interested in devzloping a coordznated approach. <br />The ag.recment prov�des that each member nunic��a2ity woulcI have or�e member of <br />its mtinici�ality on the Authara.ty's Boaxd of Direc�ors, and each dircctor <br />would have one votz fer eacn 5,000 populatian or fraction thereof; anc� no <br />director �yould have more than 2t� votes. <br />The contribution in any year by a r;�ember shall be in direct propor'tinn to the <br />number of votes to itihich the member is eniitled. <br />A ne.nber �ay �aithdraw at tt�e end of an� calcndar year by filing a�tiri�ten r.ot3ce <br />by J��ne �5, of t�at same year. If a mernber vri�hdraws, he sitall h�ve r,o cla_im <br />on the assets af the Autliari���. � <br />The acti�,rities cf tha Aurhority are cozfine� to gas a?�d electrzc �_�tilztaes, <br />however, its ac�ivities mav be extended by a 7�% r�ajorit}� vote of all tl�e vot�s <br />o� ihe �o��rd oi D�rectflrs. <br />The Aut iority ti'euld have tl-�e Fo�arer to levy a co��tributian on its nzeMbers by a <br />tw� thirds vote o� aiI votes oi tl;°n existsng rrem�exs, that siach cor�txa_butior�s <br />are r_eces5ary. Such determanatiort shaJ.J. be r,tacl_� by the 13oard not l�ater 'than <br />Au�us�t 1, o£ erch y°ar in order to obligatc r;�n,�i2rs to B�3It(' cor�tTib;_i±ians �uri�2g <br />�f1E' EIl`a?.1T1� C�«�F:1Cic'��' VEciI', <br />Tre Sub�.rY��n R�ite Aut�iarit;• presentlyr has resexve f�ands in the ap�ro;;ir.t�te <br />ar,sout3t af ,�Ib�,00C?. �-Io;+�ever, Su�u-rban nate yuthor;�y may b� faci�?b a�c�itional <br />litig� tion costs {conce:'tvr�b�y up t� �75,0��0) because o� tkaeir z•ecer�t denial �f <br />i�i:inne�asco's rate irxcrease �ili�g of �i1�'ove;nb�r 9. It is i�posss_ble a�t ti�is tir.:e <br />to �rotiride �ny accurate estinate an 4rhat th�� ultimate cost to a parti.cipatin�; <br />i:li:ric�pal ity r��a;,• be bec•at,�,� : <br />1. It i.s nct knoi�n ti�rat t�.e total L��s� of the rat� cor_sultant's <br />e�farts ti�;i11 �;e, <br />2. It is net kna?�n ,•���at fi_nar':c3a� �-csotirc�s wa ].l be at�a�l�hle f:rai,t <br />t:�.�- p, _,.r,z re�e�?-cs o� 4;:e S-.Y:�_;.r�,�.r I'at�� r'u;thc�rit•y.. <br />"- ; . � . � .-. . - . . . . :� . .-, . '�,z ;-,; �3: _ ,. ._' ��. _ .' <br />i._L�F. i;�,:? L-� i}` i i'" 7' i,� i.!1 r�:... .`;�U�)I1,�El::II' +{Fa r.t. ::Lll.�:vi�1 v}`�. <br />
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