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-2- <br />The prza�ary objecti�e at this point is to secuxe as many municipalities as <br />posszble to demonstrate the base of its representation. It appears at thzs <br />time that St. �'aul will not join the Suburban Rate Authority and it is <br />questionable also if hiinneapolis wi11 join. <br />If they d.o no� join the Suburban Rare Au.tttority, they obviously wi.11 independently <br />intervene on ttie Northern States Po��er Rate application_ Ifi also appears at this <br />time less than 500 of the suburban Rar;zsey County municipalit�.es wall join <br />the Suburban Rate �iuthority. Tf there is a low par�iczpat�on by Ramsey Ccunty <br />subur�ian municipalities and St. Paul also does not participate, it is unlikely tha� <br />fihe Suburban Rate Authority �lennepin County nembers wou2d.financially support costs <br />for intervening in a Northern States Po�ver gas rate application. <br />T� shouJ.d alsa be notea ihat the Attorney General has indicated his office would <br />intervene in the Northern 5tates Power xate application. Tt is alsa rumored that <br />another consumer organization will intervene. Tt is, ther�fore, passible that <br />fihere may be £our or fzve intervenors �n the rate applicatian. <br />If the Ci.ty joints before January 1, 1975, there would be no membership fee, but <br />would be subject to possible assessments as determined by a 2/3 vote of the full <br />Board.. If it elects to join af�er January 1, 1975, it wauld be subject ta an <br />immediate fee eo�ua]. to ten cents per capita. <br />It would appeax �hat xeasons for joining �the Suburban Rate Authority are: <br />1. It would lend political {addecl base representation) support to <br />the 5ubuxban fiate Authorzty organization be�oxe the Public Service <br />Commission. <br />2. Tt would provide an added base for econamic support in the co"sts of <br />intervening. . . <br />3. It would demonstrate �tha� the municipaJ.itiy was meeting its responsibilzty <br />in seeking ta pxotect the econamical interests of its citizens, - if �here <br />is in fact a municipal responsibility. <br />It alsa wau.Zd appear that reasons for not joining the Suburban Rate Authoxity <br /> <br />T. That there is at this point sufficienfi political representation in <br />the sevexal intervening organizations (St. Paul, Minne�polis, Attorney <br />General's office, and the Suburban Rate Authorit}�). <br />2. That the approximate cost to the city is nat knoti•�n andat may be considere� <br />i.rresponsible to pa�-ticipate without having a reasona�Iy accuxate esti�ate <br />of costs. <br />3. That there should be no necessity far intervening, if in fact, the Pub�ic <br />Service Commission is estabtished by law to determine a reasonable rate <br />a� re�urn to the xegulated utilitzes. <br />