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. decreased, w��n it is de-�ermined by the P�blic Works -.• -. <br />Director that the improvement was not subject to utilization <br />unti� a ldter date. if no such assessment isas been <br />_ lev�ed, �he assessahle cost wi�l b� determined upon <br />the basis of �he uniforrn charge which may hav� been <br />d <br />� or iahich shaZl be charged fo� similar storm sew�r <br />improvements, determined on the basis of the �otal <br />assessable cost o� said main or line, allocated on <br />a frontage bas�s, acrea�e basis, or b oth. <br />{3) Na b�ziding p°rmit �ha�l be�issued £or any <br />bui�dzng where the af�ected �ot or parcel of land has <br />been benef�ted by an assessed storm s�wer imp�ovement <br />un�ess the provisions o� this Section have been comp�ied <br />with. <br />ITI. <br />Sectian 66_2��(2) of the City Cod� of the City <br />of Rosevzlle is hereby amended to read as fallaws: <br />{2) Yf no such certificate can b� issued by the <br />Fi?-z�nce OfficEr, no permit to tap or connect to �ny t�r�t2r <br />main shall be issued un�ess the �pplicant sha11 pa� an <br />additiona� connect�on fe� which shal� be equal ta -�he <br />portion of the cost of construction of the said ma.�n <br />which wou�.d be assessable against said 7.ot or tr�,ct <br />to be served by such tapping connection, inc�uding interest <br />at a rate equal -to the interest ra-�e of the <br />assessrnent from the date of the ox�girzal assessment and <br />continuing for a period of 20 yea�s or the amoar_t of yea�s <br />the assessanent was p�y�ble, v��hichever is l�ss. Interest <br />rnay be w��ved or decreased, wh�n it is d�te.r.min�d by <br />�the Pub�zc �JOrks Directar that the impra�,*e�n�nt was not <br />sub�ect to utilizati�n �.intil a lat�� datN. Said assessable <br />cost is to be de�term�ned by tl�e Public Wor7�s Direc��t�r up�n <br />the same ba�is as any ass�ssm�nt pres�ioL�sly levied <br />against o�her property far the said main_ Tf no such <br />assessment has been levied, the a�sessabie cflst ���i11 be <br />de�.ermined upon the basis of the unif_orm charge whicl: <br />rnay have been or which sha1�. be charged for s�ma�ar <br /> or connec-tion with said main, determined on the <br />basis o� the to-taL assessabl� cos�. of said niain, a:L�.ocated <br />on a frontage basis, acreac�e bas�.s, or bath_ <br />