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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 11/28/05 <br />Minntes - Page 6 <br /> <br />Ihlan's concerns regarding receipt of payment from the <br />developer or receipt of TIF funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Miller attempted to clarify that the TIF District had <br />already been created, in accordance with the contract <br />between the City of Roseville and the Master Developer; <br />and continued on schedule with expenses being reimbursed <br />by the developer. <br /> <br />City Manager Neal Beets reiterated staffs comments that <br />the developer was required under the Development <br />Agreement to reimburse bills to the City, regardless of <br />whether or not TIF was generated on the account; and that <br />it was a contractual obligation on the part of the developer. <br /> <br />Mr. Miller advised that staff was under the impression that <br />they had met the request for information by <br />Councilmember Ihlan, and had copied the entire City <br />Council with the information on reimbursements from the <br />developer for the year-do-date. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan advised that she had not yet received <br />information from staff that would provide her with a clear <br />accounting of what the developer was reimbursing. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing noted that neither he, nor staff, was aware <br />that the information provided didn't substantially respond <br />to Councilmember Ihlan's concerns; and requested that <br />staff, and fellow Councilmembers, be advised of these <br />concerns by phone or e-mail prior to a regularly scheduled <br />meeting, rather than staff being criticized in open forum at <br />a public meeting. Mayor Klausing opined that staff could <br />only correct behavior and provide additional information <br />for the benefit of the City Council when they were made <br />aware of a problem ahead of time, rather than at a public <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that, if Councilmember Ihlan <br />had continuing issues with transparency of the accounting <br />process, that a nlture Study Session agenda provide time <br />