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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 05/10/04 <br />Minutes - Page 11 <br /> <br />boundaries. <br /> <br />Discussion continued among the developer, Councilmembers <br />and City Attorney Anderson as to the definition of wetlands by <br />the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers related to soil and vegetation <br />types and regulated development within their confines; and <br />remediation of drainage concerns and stormwater provisions by <br />the developer. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing opened public comment related to the project. <br /> <br />Peter Pangborn, 2615 Cohansey Street <br />Mr. Pangborn detailed several items in the Council packet <br />that he opined were inconsistent with previous discussions <br />held by the developer and neighbors at the Planning <br />Commission level: <br />I) Setback: increase setback from 25' to 30', specifically <br />addressed in Item 5.5 of the staff report dated May 10, <br />2004; and Item 9.2 of the draft Planned Unit Development <br />(PUD) Agreement. <br />2) That a privacy fence be made a condition between the <br />development and neighbors. Mr. Pangborn opined that the <br />developer had agreed to meet with neighbors to determine <br />whether a privacy fence or landscape plantings would be <br />more appropriate, but that a meeting had not taken place <br />to-date. <br />3) That decks andlor patios be included in the setback of 30' <br />as requested to be amended from 25', to ensure that they <br />are not built up to the property line. <br />4) That the overall height of the townhome structures be <br />clarified in Item 9.3 of the proposed ordinance amendment <br />related to height and design references (i.e., midpoint of <br />the roof truss clarified to read 26', rather than 30'. <br /> <br />Mr. Paschke addressed several of Mr. Pangborn's concerns <br />related to items that could be dictated by the City Code and the <br />PUD Agreement for compliance; and the negotiations between <br />the developer and City staff to-date from concept to final stage. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued among staff, the developer and City Council <br />related to the reference points for side and front yard setback <br />