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<br />Dear Neal and Council, <br /> <br />I will not be at Monday night's lneeting, because I am going to be a parent chaperone for <br />my daughter's 5th grade trip to the Laurentian Envirolunental Center in nOlihern <br />Minnesota. I have reviewed the packet, and will watch the tape of the meeting when I get <br />hOlne. My understanding is that the council will not be n1aking any policy decisions or <br />taking votes (since this is a work session), and I ask that if anything does con1e up it be <br />put on the agenda for a future n1eeting so I can paIiicipate. I do have a few questions and <br />COn1l11ents I would like to raise as paIi of the work session discussion, if I could: <br /> <br />Group HOlnes <br /> <br />1. I'ln \vondering what kind of aInendn1ents to state law we would suggest to <br />Representative Greiling? The statute applies to zoning and land use, and says that <br />group hOlnes are to bepen11itted uses in R-1 zones. Is the staff suggesting any <br />zoning changes for group h0111es, and if so, what kind? <br /> <br />2. Aren't n1any of the neighborhood con1plaints noted (traffic and parking, trash <br />Inanagen1ent, outdoor storage, staff lneetings) covered under other non-zoning <br />ordinances? What are the applicable ordinances for business activities in <br />residential areas? <br /> <br />3. If we adopt the Inten1ational Property Maintenance Code, will the occupancy <br />restrictions prohibit group hOlnes with 6 residents or otherwise conflict with state <br />law? <br /> <br />4. I think the council needs to do a cOlnprehensive review and update our parking <br />ordinances across the city. I an1 willing to consider asking for aInendn1ents to <br />state law regarding group hOlnes, but only if con1plaints can't be addressed by <br />reviewing and revising our other ordinances applicable to all residents (parking, <br />business activities, maintenance, etc.) <br /> <br />COlnprehensive Plan Process <br /> <br />1. I believe strongly that the con1prehensive plan review process should be part <br />of a larger conununity visioning process, and that the process should be <br />citizen-driven, not staff or consultant-driven. The role of both the council <br />and plam1ing cOlnlnission should be to n1ake sure that the public is heard, and <br />to facilitate input fron1 the whole con1n1unity and a wide range of plam1ing <br />perspectives -as well as city con1n1issions. <br />2. As paIi of goal setting and strategic plam1ing the council should identify <br />issues that need to be addressed as paIi of the con1prehensive plan revision <br />(for eXaInple, the study and possible revision of residential subdivision <br />policies) and work with the plaIu1ing cOlnn1ission, HRA, con1n1unity groups <br />and the public to design a process. <br />