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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - OS/24/04 <br />Miuutes - Page 2 <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson concurred with Mayor Klausing's <br />interpretation of Roberts Rules and the City Attorney's previous <br />legal opinion, noting that tonight's request to add the item to a <br />future agenda for reconsideration was accurate. <br /> <br />For consideration of another Agenda item, City Manager Beets <br />requested that Item 5.b entitled, "Recognize Roseville Fire <br />Department Explorer Post #547.. . plus three individual <br />recognitions.. .," be removed from tonight's agenda as some <br />recipients were unable to attend tonight's meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing, in consideration of Councilmember Kough's <br />request, removed Item 3.a entitled, "Approve Check Register." <br /> <br />Public Comment about City Issues Public Comment <br />Mayor Klausing called for public comment by members of the <br />audience on any non-agenda items. <br /> <br />No one appeared. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />Approve Minutes <br /> <br />Approve Minutes <br /> <br />2.a Kough moved, Maschka seconded, approval of the May 17, <br />2004 City Council Study Session Minutes as presented. <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Schroeder, Maschka, Ihlan, Kough and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />3. Consider Consent Items Consent Items <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, City Manager Beets briefly <br />reviewed those items being considered under the Consent <br />Agenda. <br /> <br />3.b <br /> <br />Approve Contracts/Purchases in Excess of $5,000 <br />Maschka moved, Schroeder seconded, approval of general <br />purchases and/or contracts for services for the following: <br /> <br />Contracts & <br />Purchases in Excess <br />of $5,000 <br /> <br />Vendor <br />Ace Blacktop <br /> <br /> <br />Amount <br />$ 5,960.00 <br />