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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 18 <br /> <br />Department included elimination of one full-time employee at <br />the Harriet Alexander Nature Center (HANC); elimination of the <br />Aggressive Skate Park; shortening the skating season at the <br />OVAL by three weeks; elimination of one full-time custodian <br />position in the Parks and Recreation budget; feasibility study for <br />selling the land adj acent to Ladyslipper Park between Matilda <br />and Materion Streets south of their intersection with South <br />Owasso, as well as the land identified as part of W oodhill Park <br />on the southwest comer of W oodhill and Western, to encourage <br />additional single-family housing; and preparation of a report for <br />Council consideration regarding a potential 2005 voter bond <br />referendum for parks improvements, and in the meantime <br />authorizing a $150,000 tax levy for park improvements in 2005. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets reviewed each recommendation in more <br />detail, provided his rationale for the specific recomn1endations, <br />and responded to Council comment and question, and clarified <br />those areas as appropriate. City Manager Beets noted his <br />reluctance in making some of the recommendations; however, <br />reiterated intent and goals of the recommendations. City <br />Manager Beets again referenced the Preliminary 2005 Budget <br />document, as well as his 27 -page City Manager's 2005 Budget <br />Memo as it related to each recomn1endation. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets reiterated quality of life concerns; inter- <br />department cooperation and functionality; reality of cuts to <br />personnel and programming; continuity of service levels and <br />expectations of residents and program recipients and users; and <br />realignment of priorities in core City functions. <br /> <br />City Manager Neal Beets noted that he had recommended <br />elimination of the full-time Naturalist position at the HANC <br />during 2004 Budget discussions, but the Council had not been <br />receptive. Mr. Beets provided comparison in financial <br />operations at the HANC for 2002 and 2003, noting the HANC is <br />not trending in the right direction, even with reductions in budget <br />assumptions, the HANC deficit is increasing. Mr. Beets <br />recognized the necessity of environmental education for <br />elementary school age children, while also recognizing that <br />adjustments and limitations would be experienced in reduced <br />staffing and hours of operation if his recommendations were <br />