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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 21 <br /> <br />Commissioners compiled a list of iInpact statements and general <br />community benefits, attached hereto and made a part thereof <br /> <br />Parks and Recreation Director Brokke reviewed the list as <br />referenced above, and included discussion of the Aggressive <br />skate park; length of skating season and impacts to group <br />participation at the OVAL; ramifications of reducing staffing at <br />the HANC and the full-time custodial position; and asked that <br />the City Council consider short- and long-tern1 in1plications. Mr. <br />Brokke spoke to the timing of a potential bond referendum; <br />existing staff reassignments; setting a precedent by selling park <br />land; the departments reliance on volunteers and organizations to <br />accomplish daily operations and tasks; and encouraged the City <br />Council to seek solutions other than additional staffing and <br />programming reductions in the Parks and Recreation <br />Departn1ent; and committed his willingness in assisting to find <br />that solution. Mr. Brold(e concluded by emphasizing his belief <br />in the City of Roseville, and in its Parks and Recreation <br />Department. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing sought clarification regarding the original plans <br />for the South Owasso parkland; with Mr. Brakke responding that <br />creation of a canoe launch was anticipated with a picnic area to <br />allow residents to experience a "Boundary Waters" experience <br />within the City of Roseville, whether or not the street was <br />reconstructed. Mr. Brokke further noted that an official Master <br />Plan for that parkland had not been developed to-date. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder sought clarification on "ruInors" <br />about the status of the golf course, reduction of golf course <br />maintenance, and why a decrease was recommended in the <br />budget if it was experiencing a negative cash flow. <br />Councilmember Schroeder sought further clarification related to <br />the golf course's concession and Inaintenance cOInponents. <br /> <br />Further discussion included a more detailed review of golf <br />course operations, capital outlay depending on revenue, market <br />trends and their proj ected turnaround, status as an Enterprise <br />Fund, improved revenues currently being experienced, and <br />demographics of users. <br />