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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 22 <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing opened the meeting for public conID1ent at 8 :43 <br />p.m. <br /> <br />Jennifer Dorkler (SP?), 2933 Galtier <br />Ms. Dorkler appealed to the City Council to not consider selling <br />any land adjacent to Ladyslipper Pade Ms. Dodder noted the <br />nUlllber of neighbors in attendance at tonight's llleeting who <br />utilized the open space, noting that it was used substantially as a <br />neighborhood park and natural wildlife preserve. Ms. Dodder <br />questioned the validity of Roseville homes valued at a price <br />affordable by young families. Ms. Dodder concluded her <br />comments by noting the poor maintenance standard received at <br />the park by city personnel. <br /> <br />Christine Meyer, 2972 Galtier (adj acent to property and <br />Jennifer Dorkler) <br />Ms. Meyer noted that the open space, running parallel to South <br />Owasso Boulevard, was used for walking space, given the speed <br />and volume of traffic along South Owasso Boulevard. Ms. <br />Meyer noted the lack of sidewalks and drainage issues in the area <br />whether or not lots were sold for hon1es. Ms. Meyer addressed <br />several issues recently discussed related to existing trees, <br />installation of a holding pond, and increased speed concerns with <br />removal of existing trees and proposed reconstruction of South <br />Owasso Boulevard. Ms. Meyer noted that residents valued the <br />neighborhood park and open space, and given the poor standard <br />of maintenance (i.e., mowing) of the open space, residents had <br />taken ownership of maintenance, and organized periodic clean <br />up details, in addition to regular mowing of the area. Ms. Meyer <br />concluded her conID1ents by asking that the City Council not take <br />away their beautiful open space to fix the problems at the OVAL, <br />noting that while on face value, it n1ay seem like a money maker, <br />a large group of Roseville residents see the property as much <br />more than a "quick fix," or solution to the OVAL deficit. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing asked for Ms. Meyer's COllllllents related to <br />Mapleview(?) Park. <br /> <br />Ms. Meyer con1mented that children did use the park, but <br />reiterated that the parcels in question for sale were used to access <br />both parks, since there was no road shoulder or sidewalk for <br />