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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 29 <br /> <br />Mr. Kretchmer spoke in support of maintaining current park <br />lands, and making in1provements, not detracting from them. Mr. <br />Kretchmer opined his exception to the tenn "passive" use of <br />space, noting his good fortune in living adjacent to one of those <br />green "passive" parks, and being able to choose to use the park, <br />or to just have quiet space, which was an unusual amenity in an <br />urban community. Mr. Kretchmer further opined that not all <br />parks needed to be equipped, and open spaces served a purpose <br />as well. <br /> <br />Betty Link-Ettel, 2735 N Griggs Street <br />Ms. Link-Ettel spoke in support of maintaining the current <br />staffing and operation levels of the HANC, given its educational <br />advantages for youth related to nature and the environment. Ms. <br />Link-Ettel lauded the current HANC Naturalist, noting her <br />special talent in working with youth. Ms. Link - Ettel also spoke <br />in support of keeping all park land currently owned by the City, <br />and thanked staff for their maintenance of the park adjoining her <br />property. <br /> <br />Betty W olfangle, 837 Heinel Drive <br />Ms. W olfangle reference to movie dialogue, "Houston, we've got <br />a problem." Ms. W olfangle recognized the problen1 before the <br />City Council, but concurred with COll1ll1ents made in support of <br />the HANC. <br /> <br />Ms. W olfangle, from her perspective as a regular HANC <br />volunteer, discussed recommendations regarding days and times <br />of operation and revenues related to those recolnmendations; <br />Earth Day activities not serving as a revenue source; monies <br />being realized through fees and programming on Tuesdays <br />through Fridays during the fall, winter and spring, with SUll1ll1er <br />not serving as a revenue-producing season. Ms. W olfangle <br />spoke to the issue of part-time employees and more volunteers, <br />but noted that if the full-time Naturalist was eliminated or <br />reduced to part-time, it would have significant impacts on <br />volunteer staffing; and past part-time experiences prior to the <br />current full-time Naturalist position, had not proven feasible. <br />Ms. Wolfangle observed that part-time staffing brought recent <br />college graduates, with only basic knowledge and no practical <br />experience, and created enormous turnover and training <br />