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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 30 <br /> <br />responsibilities. Ms. Wolfangle further opined that the HANC <br />needed a leader, which it currently had, and was evidenced by <br />the quality of programming and dedication to the position and <br />the HANC. <br /> <br />Ms. W olfangle requested Council consideration and support for <br />HANC volunteers to launch a calnpaign to "Save HANC," to <br />work toward reducing the $40 - 50,000 deficit to maintain <br />operations and a full-time Naturalist. Ms. Wolfangle opined that <br />if the full-time Naturalist was eliminated, approximately 90% of <br />the volunteer staffing would be lost as well; and emphasized the <br />volunteers' cOilllnitlnent to "do anything to keep our Naturalist <br />and keep the center as a nature center." <br /> <br />Ms. Wolfangle concluded her comments by reviewing some <br />upcoming fundraising festivities and programming events at the <br />HANC. Ms. Wolfangle volunteered the cooperation and <br />commitment of the volunteers; and wished the Council well in <br />their decision-making responsibilities. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing closed the public comment portion of the budget <br />discussions at 9:42 p.m., and thanked the public for their <br />attendance, participation, and the efficiency and eloquence of <br />their comments. <br /> <br />8. <br /> <br />Discuss City's Purchasing Policies <br />Due to the lateness of the hour, Councilmember Kough <br />suggested that this item be moved to the next Council meeting <br />agenda for discussion. <br /> <br />8.5 <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough, Right-of-Way Mowing <br />Due to the lateness of the hour, Councilmember Kough <br />concurred with Mayor Klausing's suggestion to discuss this iteln <br />at a future business meeting. <br /> <br />9. <br /> <br />Recess Public Meeting to Convene a Closed Executive <br />Session to Appraise the Performance of the City Manager <br />Maschka moved, Kough seconded, to recess the public portion of <br />the meeting at 9:45 p.n1., to reconvene in Closed Executive <br />Session for the purpose of appraising and evaluating the <br />performance of the City Manager. <br /> <br />Discuss City's <br />Purchasing Policies <br /> <br />Councilmember <br />Kough, Right-of- <br />Way Mowing <br /> <br />Recess Public <br />Meeting to <br />Convene a Closed <br />Executive Session <br />to Appraise the <br />Performance of the <br />