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<br />City Council Study Session - 08/16/04 <br />Minutes - Page 3 <br /> <br />interpretation of actual Council action, and recornn1ended <br />that she review the 13-point written recomn1endation, and <br />subsequent Council action via motion, made at the August <br />9, 2004 Council meeting. <br /> <br />Ms. Obeda requested that the City Council study the <br />project in more detail due to its impact on the entire <br />COilllTIUnity and all of Roseville's residents. Ms. Obeda <br />strongly supported a public hearing on the project for the <br />Council to receive public comment. Ms. Obeda personally <br />opined that additional "boutique-style" shopping centers <br />were not needed, and people would be more apt to shop at a <br />big box retailer (i.e., Costco), rather than specialty shops. <br />Ms. Obeda concluded by asking the Council to provide a <br />well-publicized public hearing on the Twin Lakes project <br />and to slow the process down. <br /> <br />Ms. Obeda expressed concern that the City's official <br />newspaper for 2004, the Review, was often not delivered in <br />a timely manner, and often not readable if delivered (i.e., <br />rain soaked); and requested that the City Council use a <br />more dependable forum to publicize meetings and notify <br />the public of any upcoming public hearing on the Twin <br />Lakes proj ect. <br /> <br />c. Rog Walker, Marion and South Owasso (overlooking <br />Lady Slipper Park) <br />Mr. Walker sought clarification from the City Council <br />regarding potential sale of property in the vicinity of Lady <br />Slipper Park. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing noted that City Manager Beets'2005 <br />Budget recornn1endations included a recommendation, <br />along with other recon1illendations for Council <br />consideration, identifying ways to address the City's <br />structural budget deficit. Mayor Klausing noted that the <br />sale of Lady Slipper Park was not being discussed, but <br />properties adj oining the park on the south side of South <br />Owasso Boulevard and on Western Avenue. Mayor <br />Klausing noted that the City Council would be receiving a <br />report from staff on the budget tonight specifically as it <br />