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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 08/23/04 <br />Minutes - Page 29 <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan clarified that her reactions were <br />based on process, and not on the initial merits of the <br />situation. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan recognized the HRA' s statutory <br />authorities and opined that the Council needed to come <br />to terms with that authority; while at the same time <br />keeping the Council as the City's administrative and <br />policy-making body. Councilmember Ihlan approved <br />of the desire for improved communication, noting the <br />HRA Chair's memo on the Budget Hearing and <br />identification of items and specific rationale for their <br />levy request. <br /> <br />Chair Majerus advised that the HRA had "anguished" <br />over the entire Eminent Domain process, and based <br />their decisions on information provided by staff, legal <br />expertise as to the procedure, and additional research. <br />Chair Majerus noted that, in retrospect, he wishes the <br />HRA had made that additional step or connection with <br />the City Council prior to their action, again endorsing <br />the role of a Council Liaison position that could have <br />accomplished that step in the communication process. <br /> <br />After further discussion Mayor Klausing <br />recommended development of a "sub-group" to <br />initially meet to consider and discuss communication, <br />collaboration and decision-making. Mayor Klausing <br />suggested several members of the HRA, a member of <br />the City Council and himself, along with appropriate <br />staff, to initiate the discussion prior to determining if a <br />Council Liaison was the next step. <br /> <br />Chair Majerus concurred with Mayor Klausing, <br />opining that it would expedite the process. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing sought input from City Attorney <br />Anderson regarding quorums or each group and <br />formal meeting notice requirements. <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson confirmed that, if there were <br />