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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 08/23/04 <br />Minutes - Page 3 <br /> <br />B. John Kysylyczyn, 3083 N Victoria Street <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn referenced comments he had made, and <br />which had been responded to by Assistant Fire Chief Tim <br />o 'Neill, regarding a report made by Chief Gasaway several <br />years ago outlining turnover trends among firefighters. Mr. <br />Kysylyczyn noted misinterpretations between the intent of <br />his comments, years referenced, and current trends. Mr. <br />Kysylyczyn noted that he and Mr. O'Neill had clarified the <br />time period Chief Gasaway's report referenced, and <br />possible extenuating circumstances with early retirements <br />and other reasons for department turnover. Mr. <br />Kysylyczyn noted his rationale for the comparison figures <br />as they related to savings in the department to implement <br />incentives to increase firefighter retention, thereby reducing <br />training costs. <br /> <br />Mr. Kysylyczyn raised several issues and/or questions <br />regarding the proposed 2005 Preliminary Budget, <br />including: <br />1) Councilmember Ihlan' s continuing references to her <br />desire to "restore programs cut over the last two <br />years. Mr. Kysylyczyn opined that, during his <br />tenure as mayor, to his knowledge the Council made <br />wise spending decisions (i.e., insurance savings), <br />and savings were realized, but he was not aware of <br />any program cuts being made. Mr. Kysylyczyn <br />requested that if Councilmember Ihlan were to <br />continue making that implication, she provide a list <br />of those programs that were allegedly cut and were <br />being sought for restoration. <br />2) A question asked by Joe Smith at the August 16, <br />2004 Council Study Session, but not adequately <br />responded to by staff or Council, "Where did the <br />Arona Site funds that were initially dedicated to the <br />Parks and Recreation Department end up?" Mr. <br />Kysylyczyn requested that staff respond to Mr. <br />Smith's question. <br />3) Continuing references to the City having a deficit of <br />$700,000 due to cuts in state aid. Mr. Kysylyczyn <br />opined that there were permanent reductions made <br />