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<br />City Council Special Study Session - 09/09/04 <br />Minutes - Page 11 <br /> <br />market options, iten1s that the City can control and those that are <br />not within the City's control; and implications to the City's Fire <br />and an1bulance services as well as park land. <br /> <br />Mayor I(lausing opined his inclination to keep the HRA levy <br />separate to provide greater transparency. <br /> <br />Councihnember Schroeder concurred with Mayor Klausing; and <br />opined his support of at least a half levy for the HRA. <br /> <br />Councihnember Ihlan opined her support of the half levy for <br />preliminary budget purposes, to be further reviewed with <br />potential reductions following that review. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets clarified that all previous housing program <br />functions in the C0111l11unity Development Department had been <br />transfen4ed to the HRA; therefore, no funds were allotted in the <br />City budget to fund and maintain HRA efforts. <br /> <br />HRA Executive Director Cathy Bennett clarified the separate <br />legal fran1ework of the HR in determining how much money to <br />allot. Ms. Bennett noted that at the half levy funding, <br />progran1ming would be maintained essentially as it was today, <br />with lilnited additional funding potential including the possible <br />purchase of one blighted property. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett noted that at the HRA's September meeting, they <br />intended to review a formal application and evaluation process. <br />Ms. Bennett noted that the Roseville Senior Housing had <br />identified a need for handicapped doors, and while the HRA was <br />supportive of the request, wanted to postpone a decision until the <br />fOffilal application and evaluation process was in place to <br />provide consistency in distribution of restricted funds. <br /> <br />Ms. Bennett further noted that the HRA would be performing a <br />review of rental licensing, fees and other issues, and making <br />con1parisons with other cities and their policies and practices. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets concluded his comments by noting that the <br />City Councilmembers had received their Council Agenda <br />packets tonight for the September 13, 2004 meeting, in an effort <br />