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<br />City Council Special Study Session - 09/09/04 <br />Minutes - Page 6 <br /> <br />City Manager Beets noted that the action to adopt the <br />Preliminary 2005 Budget and Levy was the basis for the Truth in <br />Taxation Notice publications by Ramsey County and the Public <br />Hearings to be held in December. <br /> <br />Counciln1ember Ihlan sought clarification on the Housing and <br />Redevelopn1ent Authority (HRA) Levy and Budget. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller noted that the HRA Levy was <br />completely outside this levy. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing acknowledged that the Council could set a <br />maximun1 levy in Septelnber, but noted that tough choices still <br />remained and would become more difficult to make. Mayor <br />Klausing encouraged Councilmembers to consider 1) What can <br />we live with; and 2) Where are areas to reduce expenses or <br />increase revenues? lvIayor Klausing opined that, while public <br />input was valuable, the City Council was still the ultimate <br />policy-n1aker and was obligated to the community-at-Iarge to <br />make the tough decisions, determine the best course and realize <br />the impact to the community of those decisions. <br /> <br />Counciln1ember Maschka reiterated his opinion, from public <br />feedback, that the support was there to maintain the current <br />quality of life for Roseville. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing polled the Council for consensus on a 10% <br />preliminary levy increase as recommended by Councilmember <br />Maschka. Councilmembers Ihlan and Maschka, and Mayor <br />Klausing were supportive; Councilmember Schroeder was not <br />supportive of the proposed increase. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing noted that, he was not entirely comfortable with <br />another 10% levy increase, above and beyond the 10% already <br />applied for the referendum; further noting that he wanted to be <br />sensitive to the fixed income of many residents and their assets <br />tied up in hon1e ownership; the probable increases from the <br />School District and County on homeowner taxes as well; and <br />questioned where other cuts could be made. <br /> <br />Counciln1ember Schroeder recognized the impact to available <br />