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<br />City Council Special Study Session - 09/09/04 <br />Minutes - Page 7 <br /> <br />funds for many hon1eowners, and continued to support a zero <br />percent levy, or minimal increase. <br /> <br />Mayor Klausing questioned Councilmember Schroeder's <br />reco111l11endations for keeping a minimal levy increase, while <br />continuing to address inflationary costs. <br /> <br />Council1nember Schroeder reviewed various items as provided <br />on his written comments and proposed cuts for the 2005 Budget. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the Cable Franchise Fee and how <br />and where those funds were allocated; the self-contained <br />function and nature of the Community Development <br />Departlnent; and reserve funds available in the Cable Franchise <br />Fund. <br /> <br />Counciln1ernber Ihlan reiterated her support of a 10% <br />preliminary levy increase; and requested additional information <br />and discussion of those items at the end of the City Manager's <br />Memo that were not addressed adequately at the recently-held <br />Housing Summit (i.e., HRA and Community Development <br />Departn1ent). Councilmember Ihlan reviewed some of her <br />questions for further discussion when those budgets were <br />reviewed (i.e., additional expense reductions or restructuring; <br />assumptions that departments were supported by fees realized; <br />and revenue proj ections in essential departments to provide for <br />their stability). <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the HRA; functions of the <br />Building Department and Building Permit revenue fee <br />projections; potential policy issues related to core City functions <br />and possible pooling of those funds to allow more stability of the <br />structural budget; and degradation of services with further staff <br />reductions. <br /> <br />Councilmember Schroeder opined his support of freezing COLA, <br />rather than eliminating positions among staff. <br /> <br />Further discussion included the percentage of union staff <br />(estimated at one-half); and the potential for strikes with no room <br />to negotiate if a wage freeze were implemented. <br />