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<br />Regular City Council Minutes - 2/3/03 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />3) Allow limited sharing among project parcels; <br />4) Extend the" start" time from 5 to 9 years; <br />5) Allow local tax rate to float; use current tax rate <br />each year of TIF calculation. <br /> <br />Mr. Welsch reviewed the New Brighton Northwest <br />Quadrant project as a similar example to the Twin Lakes <br />Redevelopment Area. <br /> <br />Discussion items included continuing revisions in TIF <br />legislation and a definition by Mr. Welsch of "float," <br />identified as each parcel becoming a parcel within the <br />entire Redevelopment District, narrowing the risk by <br />allowing the tax rate to escalate with whatever the tax rate <br />is for that year as the project escalates and allowing <br />retirement of districts earlier to achieve better cash flow. <br /> <br />Further discussion included the Brownfield aspects of the <br />redevelopment area; status of Environmental Assessments <br />completed to-date and remediation plans; additional <br />informational meetings and public hearings during the <br />process; recent changes in commercial property tax rates, <br />creating a need to re-examine the feasibility of the <br />redevelopment project; the City's current Tax Incren1ent <br />Financing Policy; and ramifications on the School District, <br />State of Minnesota and City. <br /> <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Klausing seconded directing staff to <br />invite Financial Consultant Jim Casserly to make a <br />presentation at the February 10, 2003 regular Council <br />meeting at 6:00 p.m. under "Presentations" on the agenda, <br />on the "why" and "how" technical issues necessary to <br />decertify the remainder of Tax Increment Financing <br />District (TIF) No. 11; and rationale in creating another TIF <br />District. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Kough, Klausing, Maschka, Schroeder and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Klausing seconded to appoint Mayor <br />Kysylyczyn and Councilmember Maschka to be the leads <br />