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<br />Regular City Council Minutes - 3/31/03 <br />Page 22 <br /> <br />City Manager Beets suggested that the Strategic Plan be <br />brought forward in the near future for discussion under <br />Presentations on the 6:00 p.m. regular meeting agenda. <br /> <br />Councilmember Maschka expressed his interest in <br />pursuing the Strategic Plan discussion in a dedicated <br />Council W orksession format to allow more open <br />discussion, given its complexity. <br /> <br />After further dis,cussion, Mayor Kysylyczyn, with <br />Councilmember Schroeder's concurrence, directed staff <br />to schedule a W orksession dedicated to the discussion of <br />the proposed Strategic Plan; with the inclusion of any <br />Consent Agenda items that may be outstanding at the <br />time of the scheduled meeting. <br /> <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Schroeder, Klausing, Kough, Maschka and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />G. <br /> <br />Approving a Burn Permit for Concordia Meadows <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Maschka seconded, authorizing the <br />Fire Marshal to issue a bum permit to Concordia <br />Meadows Townhome Association to bum wild grasses <br />surrounding the storm water retention pond within their <br />development located between County Road B-2 and <br />Highway 36, east of Dale Street, upon compliance with <br />the following stipulations: <br />a) The effective date of the permit shall be from April <br />2, 2003 through April 30, 2003; <br />b) The bum shall be conducted by acknowledged <br />experts from Applied Ecology; and <br />c) Concordia Meadows Townhome Association shall <br />notify the Roseville Fire Department at least two <br />(2) days in advance of the date and time of the <br />bum. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Schroeder, Klausing, Kough, Maschka and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br /> <br />Burn Permit for <br />Concordia <br />Meadows <br />