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<br />Continued from page 9 <br /> <br />adequate width or area, as long as reasonable living standards <br />can be pl'OV'ided; and to widen sub-standard-sized vacant lots <br />wherever practicable so that they will be in harmony with the <br />existing or projected character of the neighborhOOd in which <br />they are situated. <br />3.3-4. In Residence districts there shall be no more than one <br />pnnClpal building on one lot. The words "principal building" <br />shall be given their common and ordinary interpretation; in <br />case of doubt, on any question of interpretation, the decision <br />of the Building Inspe<:tor shall be final. <br /> <br />3.4 AOCESSORY BUILDINGS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS <br />3.4-L No accessory building shall be erected or located within any, <br />yard other than the rear yard except for a through lot when it <br />shall be located In the SIde yard. Such accessory bUIlding shall <br />not occupy more than 25% of a reqmred rear yard. <br />3.4-2 Accessory bUIldings shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in <br />heIght, shall be five (5) or more from all lot hnes of adjoIning <br />lots which are many "R" Dlstnct and shall be six (6) feet or <br />more from any other bmldmg or structure on the same lot. <br />3.4-3 An accessory bUIlding shall be considered as an integral part <br />of the pnnclpal bUIlding If It is located less than six (6) feet <br />from the principal buildIng_ <br />3.4-4 Where the natural grade of a lot at the building line of a <br />house IS eIght (8) feet or more above the estabhshed curb lev- <br />el, a prIvate garage may be erected WIthin any yard, provided <br />that one-half (lh) of the height or more IS below grade level. <br />Such a garage shall not be less than twenty (20) feet from <br />any street lIne_ <br /> <br />3.5 REQUIRED YARDS AND OPEN SPACE <br /> <br />3.5-1 No lot, yard or other open space shall be reduced in area or <br />dimenSIon so as to make such a lot, yard or open space less <br />than the mInimum required by this Ordmance, and if the ex. <br />Isting lot, yard or other open space as existing is less than the <br />mInImum required it shall not be further reduced. No required: <br />open space prOVIded about any building or structure shall be <br />mcluded as a part of any open space required for another <br />building or structure. <br />3.5-2 The following shall not be conSidered as encroachments on <br />yard set-back requirements. <br />(a) Chinunneys, flues, belt courses, leaders, sills, pilasters, lin- <br />tels, ornamental features, cornices, eaves, gutters and the <br />like provided they do not project more than two (2) feet. <br />(b) Terraces, steps, uncovered porches. stoops or similar fea. <br />tures provided they do not extend above the height of the <br />ground floor level of the principle structure or to a dis. <br />tance less than two (2) feet from any lot line, fences which <br />do not exceed three and one-half (3-%) feet in height. <br />(e) Side or rear yard only: bays not to exceed a depth of three <br />(3) feet or contain an area of more than thirty (30) square <br />feet, fIre escapes not to exceed a width of three (3) feet, <br />fences or walls not to exceed a height of six and one.half <br />(6-%) feet above grade, off-street 1>84"king spaces. <br />(d) Rear yard only: balconies, breezeways, detachOO outdoor <br />picnic shelters and recreational equipment. <br /> <br />3.5-3 Where a rear yard adjoins an adjacent side yard, fences on <br />the rear lot line shall be limited to three and one-half (3.%) <br />feet in height, except by special permit by the Village Council. <br /> <br />$.5-4 No fences on side, front or rear yards shall be over seventy- <br />five (75) per cent opaque, except by special permit of the Vil- <br />lage Council <br /> <br />3.6 TBANSrrlONAL USES IN "R" DISTRICTS <br /> <br />S.&-L In any "R-1" or "R-2" Residential District a transitional use <br />shall be permitted on a lot the side lot line of which adjoins <br />directly a parcel in any "B" or "I" District. <br /> <br />3.&-2 The permItted transitional uses for any such lot in an "R-1" <br />District shall be any use permitted in the "R-2" District; for <br />any such 'ot m an "R-2" District any use permittpd in th e "R-3" <br />DIStrict. <br /> <br />3.7 TRAFFIC VISIBILITY <br />No fences, structures or plantmg exceeding 30 inches in :\1eight <br />above the center lme grade of the street shall be permitted <br />Wlthin an area ten (10) feet greater than the required front <br />yard set back on a corner lot in order to allow for visibility ac- <br />ross the corner. <br /> <br />3.8 SPECIAL USES & SPECIAL PERMITS <br />To proViide for the location of special classes of uses which are <br />deemed deSIrable for the pUblIc welfare within a given district <br />or dIStrictS but which are potentially incompatible with typical <br />uses herein permitted within them, a classification of Special <br />Uses is hereby established. <br />Uses, as hereinafter enumerated, which may be proposed for <br />classification as Special Uses, shall be considered at a public <br />hearing before the Planning Commission. and its report and <br />recommendations shall be made to the Village Council <br />30 days following the public hearing. The Village Coun~il maY' <br />allow the SpecIal Use and grant a Special Use Permit in the <br />distrIct mdicated and under the conditions stipulated herein. <br />after, and may impose such additional conditions as it consid. <br />ers necessary to protect the pUblic health, safety or welfare. <br /> <br />3.9 VARIANCE FOR HARDSHIP <br />Where there are practical difficulties or unusual hardships in <br />the way of carrying out the strIct letter of the proviSiOns of <br />this Ordmance the VIllage Council shall have the power. in a <br />specIfic case and after notice and publIc hearing, to vary any <br />such proVIsion in harmony WIth the general purpose and in- <br />tent thereof and may impose such additional conditions as it <br />considers necessary so that the public health, safety and gen- <br />eral welfare may be secured and substantial justice done. <br /> <br />3.10 ANNEXED TERRITORY <br />Annexed territory shall be in the "R-1" District unless special <br />action is taken to place it in another district. <br /> <br />3.11 ESSENTIAL SERVICES <br />Essential services shall be permitted as authorized and regula. <br />ted by state law and other ordinances of the Village of Rose. <br />ville, it being the intention that such are exempt from the ap- <br />plication of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />3.12 FARMING OPERATIONS <br />All farms currently in existence will be permitted to continue <br />operation after the abolition of the "Farm-Residence" Zone <br />within the Village. Such operations will, on enactment of this <br />Ordinance be subject to conditions as stipulated under Section <br />5.2-1 (f). <br /> <br />SECTION 4 <br /> <br />ZONING DISTRICTS AND MAP <br /> <br />4.1 DISTRICTS: For the purpose of this Ordinance, the Village of <br />Roseville is hereby organized into the following districts: <br /> <br />~IDENCE DISTRICTS <br />"R-1" Single Family Residence District <br />"R-Z' Two Family Residence District <br />"&3" General Residence District <br /> <br />BUSINESS DISTRICTS <br />"B-1" Limited Business District <br />"B-2" Retail Business District <br />"B-3" General Business District <br />"sc" Shopping Center District <br /> <br />INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS <br />"1-1" Light Industrial District <br />"1-2" General Industrial District <br /> <br />f.2 MAP <br />4.201 The location and bOundaries of the districts established by <br />this Ordinance are hereby set forth on the Zoning May con. <br />sisting of fifteen (15) sections entitled the "Official ZonIng; <br />Map" ()f the VDlage of Roseville dated May 12, 1959, whicb <br /> <br />is hereby adopted as the official zoning map of the Village /1'1. <br />Rosevil1e and is incolporated herein and made a part Of this , <br />ordinance. <br />4.2.2. (a) All the lands and areas in the Village of Rosevil1.e <br />zoned on said Zoning Map and not with the lines and <br />areas on the zoning map designated as "R-Z' - Two <br />Family Residence District, "R-3" - General Residence <br />District, "B-1" - Limited Business District, "B-2" - <br />Retail Business District, "B-3" - General Business Dis- <br />trict. "S-C" - Shopping Center District, "1-1" - Light <br />Industrial District, "1-2" - General Industrial District, <br />are hereby zoned as "R-1" - Single Family Residence <br />District. <br />(b) All lands and areas in the-VIllage of RoseVIlle designa- <br />ted on sald zonmg map as "R 2" are hereby zoned "R-2" <br />- Two FamIly ReSIdence District. <br />(c) All lands and areas In the VIllage of Roseville designa- <br />ted on said zoning map as "R-3" are hereby zoned "R-3" <br />- General ResIdence DIStrICt. <br />(d) All lands and areas In the VIllage of RosevIlle desi~!la- <br />ted on saId zonmg map as "B-1" are hereby zoned "B-1" <br />- Limited Busmess District <br />(e) All lands and areas in the Village of RosevIlle designa- <br />ted on said zomng map as "B-2" are hereby zoned "B-?" <br />- Retail Business DistrICt. <br />(f) All lands and areas in the Village of Roseville designa- <br />ted on said zonmg map as "B 3" are hereby zoned "B.3" <br />- General Business DIStrICt_ <br />(g) All lands and areas In the Village of Roseville designa- <br />ted on said zonmg may as "s C" are hereby zoned "S-G" <br />- Shoppmg Center DIstrict. <br />(h) All lands and areas m the VIllage of RoseVIlle designa- <br />ted on said zonmg map as "Ii" are hereby zoned "1-1" <br />- LIght General IndustrIal District. <br />(i) All lands and areas In the Vlllage of Roseville designa- <br />ted on saId zonmg map as "1-2" are hereby zoned "I-2" <br />- General Industrial District. <br />4.2.3. The said map. together with everything shown thereon and <br />all amendments thereto shall be as much a part of this Ordi. <br />nance as though fully set forth and described herein. <br />4.2-4., Said zoning map shall be at the scale of one (1) inch on the <br />map equals two hundred (200) feet on the ground. It shall be <br />the responsibility of the Village Clerk to maintain said zoning <br />map. Amendments thereto shall be recorded on said zoning II1.l>.p <br />within fifteen (15) days after official pUblication of amend- <br />ments. The official zoning map shall be kept on file in the Vil. <br />lage Offices and shall be open to public inspection at all times <br />during which the Village Offices are cust<>marily open. <br />4.2-5. Boundarles <br />(a) District boundary Jines on said map are intended to follow <br />lot lines, the center lines of streets or alleys, the center' <br />lines of streets or alleys projected, railroad rights-of-waY' <br />lines, the center of water courses or the corporate limit <br />lines, all as they exist at the time ot enactment of this Or- <br />dinance. <br /> <br />SECTION 5 <br />RESIDENCE DISTRICTS <br /> <br />General requirements and uses shall be as hereinafter stated: <br /> <br />5.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS IN ALL RESIDENCE DJS. <br />TRIC'IS' <br /> <br />The following nummum requirements shall apply to all build. <br />ings that may be erected, converted or structurally altered in <br />Residence Districts: <br /> <br />5.1-1. Home Occupations shall be governed by the followmg regu- <br />lations: <br /> <br />(a) Pennitted home occupations shall not be conducted in any <br />building on the premises other than the building which ~. <br />llSed by the OCCL pant as the pr Nate dWl:lhng; <...nd fill UIt: <br />more that not more than one room may be used for such <br />purpose. <br />(b) Permitted home occupations shall not mclude the employ- <br />ment of any persons not residing on the premises In the <br />performance of such OccupatIOn, nor the use of mechanical <br />eqUIpment other than IS usual for purely domestic or hob- <br />by purposes; and further shall not include exterior dis- <br />play or SIgns except as are permitted by the sign regula- <br />tions for residence districts. <br /> <br />(c) There shall be no exterior storage of eqUIpment or mater. <br />ials used in permitted home occupations. <br /> <br />(d) Pennitted home occupations shall not include any of the <br />following: <br /> <br />(1) The operation of any wholesale or retail business Wl- <br />less H is conducted entirely by mail and does not m- <br />volve the sale, shIpment or delIvery of merchandise <br />on the premises. <br /> <br />(2) Any manufacturing business, barber shop or beauty <br />shop, dancing or musical school With organized classes <br />of more than one pupil at a time, commercial stable <br />or kennel, or any actiVIty producing nOXIOUS matter or <br />perceptible noise beyond the lot Ime. <br /> <br />5.1-2 Off-Street Pa.r'king Requirements <br /> <br />(a) In all Residence Districts off-street automobIle parking <br />space shall be prOVIded as an accessory use in accordance <br />with the proviSIOns of this Section at the time any building <br />or structure is erected or enlarged or expanded in height <br />or ground coverage. <br /> <br />(b) Number of Spaces. Off-street automobile parking space! <br />shall be provided for each use as follows: <br />Dwellings: One space per dwelling unit <br />Motels: One space per unit <br />Churches: One space for every three (3) <br />seats or one space for every <br />five (5) feet of pew length. <br />Hospitals: One space for every three (3) beds. <br />Places of assembly such as <br />Libraries, One space for each five (5) seats Or <br />Musewns, etc.: bench seating spaces, based on <br />maximum capacity. <br />Schools: 1.25 spaces for each classroom in grade <br />schools and one space per classroom <br />and an additional one space for every <br />seven (7) pupils enrolled in High SChools. <br />(c) Size of Pa.rk.i:ng Space. Space for a single vehilce shall be not <br />less than eight and one-half (8-%) feet by twenty (20) <br />feet with adequate aisles for ingress and egress. A general <br />standard of 300 sq)Uare feet per space shall be used fOl'l <br />computing parking requirements. <br />(d)I..ocation <br /> <br />(1) Accessory off-street parking spaces which are not en. <br />closed may be located in any required yard other than <br />the front yards or side yards abutting upon a street. <br />Enclosed off-street space shall not be permit- <br />ted m any required yard except a rear yard, providedi <br />that a single enclosed parking space, if attached to the <br />main building. may project three (3) feet into the front <br />yard for a width not more than twelve (12) feet. A gar- <br />age structure, when located in a required rear yard, <br />shall be set back at least five (5) feet from either side <br />lot line. <br /> <br />(2) Spaces accessory to one and two-f~ dwellings <br />shall be on the same lot as the principle use served. <br /> <br />(3) Spaces accessot;y to multiple-family dwellings shall be <br />on the same lot as the principle use served or Within <br />300 feet walking distance of the main en~ to the <br /> buUdh1g served. <br /> <br />(4) Spaces in the "R-3" Districts shall be at least fifteen <br /> <br />(15) feet from any street line and at least ten (10) feet <br />from any building. <br /> <br />(e) Repairs. There shall be no commercial automotive repairs <br />on a lot in a Residence District. <br /> <br />(f) SereenJng. All open off-street parking areas having more <br />than six (6) parking spaces shall be effectively screened <br />from any adjacent "R-l" or "R-2" residential lots by a den. <br />sely planted hedge at least four (4) feet high or a Wall or <br />fence at least four (4) feet high and at least seventy-five <br />(75) percent opague. Such hedge. wall or fence shall in no <br />case exceed six and one-half (6-%) feet in height. <br />(g)Surfaclng. All open off-street parking area shall be improv. <br />ed with a durable and dustless surface. <br /> <br />(h) Off-street parking areas shall be so graded and <br />drained so as to dispose off all surface water. Drainage <br />plans shall be subject to the approval of the Village En- <br />gineer. <br /> <br />(I) Lighting. All lIghtIng used to illuminate off-street parking <br />areas shall be so arranged as to deflect light away from <br />adjacent property in residential use. <br /> <br />5.1-3. If, at the time this Ordinance becomes effective, existmg <br />houses on 50% or more of the frontage of any blOCk have a pre- <br />dominant front yard dIfferent from that herein specified, all <br />buildmgs hereafter erected shall confonn to thIS predominant <br />front yard depth, provided this regulation shall not be interpre- <br />ted so as to require a front yard of more than 40 feet in depth. <br />5.1.4. Residence Relocations <br /> <br />(a) It shall be the stated policy of the Village of Roseville to <br />maintalll a harmouious and high standard of reSIdential <br />development and to protect such areas from deletereous <br />effects through insuring that both new and relocated <br />dwellings from other areas, both Within the VIllage of Rose. <br />ville and from outside, shall meet specified requirements_ <br />(b) Such relocations of dwellings as stated above shall be per. <br />mitted in the zoning dictrict where all necessary specifica. <br />tions as to lot sizes, set-backs, tyPe of use. height regula. <br />tions and all other conditions as laid down in this Ordi. <br />dance are met. <br />(c) In addition. such relocations shall require a special permit <br />from the Village Council where the following provisions <br />shall be met: <br /> <br />(1) The applicant shall file an application giving the legal <br />dcscl1iption of the land upon which the building is to <br />be moved, the nature of the building to be moved, to. <br />gether with a certified property search of property ow. <br />ners within 250 feet of the neW location. <br />(2) The application shall be accompanied by a written con- <br />sent and approval of at least (50) per cent of the pro. <br />perty owners within 250 feet of the relocation. <br />(3) The application shall be refetted to the Village Coun. <br />ell who shall set a time and place for a public hear- <br />ing, giving at least ten (10) days notice of such hear. <br />ing, <br />(4) All property owners within 250 feet of the relocation <br />premises shall be notified of the hearing by mail and <br />at said hearing the applicant and anyone appealing in <br />opposition thereto shall be heard. <br />(5) The Building Inspector shall also give a report to the <br />Council and after hearing the matter the Council may <br />grant or reject the issuance of a permit. <br />5.1-5. Lighting Regulations. Any illumination, whether affixed to <br />a building or otherwise within a lot ~n any "R" District shall <br />not be pennitted to beam beyond the lot lines wherein it is <br />located. <br /> <br />5.2. "B-1" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT <br />5.2-L Permitted Uses <br /> <br />(a) One family detached dwellings. <br />(b) P1...bhc parks and playgrounds. <br />(e) Existmg railroad nghts-of-way fOl" the movement of thro- <br />ugh trams but not to Illc1ude sWItchmg, storage yards or <br />Sidings. <br />(d) Churches, convents, publIc and parochial schools, universi- <br />hes and colleges, lIbrarIes, museums, and gallerIes, City <br />Hall, fIre statIOns and similar pUblic uses provided that <br />no structure or bUIldmg shall be nearer than 30 feet to any <br />adjacent lot III an "R" DIstrict. <br />(e) TranSitional uses. <br />(f) Agnculture excepting commercial animal fanns fur farms <br />kennels, and poultry farms, but includmg truck gardenin~ <br />and other horticultural uses; provided that any new pn. <br />vate stable or other new building in which fann animals <br />are kept shall be a distance of 300 feet or more from any <br />other lot in any Residence District. LimIted sales of pro- <br />ducts produced may be conducted on the premises from <br />a roadside stand but such stand shall not exceed. one story: <br />in height or 500 square feet in floor area; and no portion <br />of any such stand shall be located or erected nearer than <br />50 feet from any street line. <br />5.2-2 Pennltted Accessory Uses <br />(a) Private garage or space. <br />(b) Private swimming pool. <br />(c) Customary inCIdental home occupations as regulated undo <br />er Section 5.1-1. <br />(d) Keeping of not more than two boarders and-or roOmers <br />by a reSIdent fanuly . <br />(e) Living quarters of persons employed on the prenuses. <br />(1) SIgns as regulated m SectIOn 9.1 <br />(g) Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a per. <br />iod not to exceed construction. <br />(h) Off-street parkmg and loadmg as regulated under Section <br />5.1.2. <br />5.2.S Uses by Special Pennit <br /> <br />(a) Essential service structures, buildings such as telephone <br />exchange sub-stations, booster or pressure regulating sta. <br />tions, wells and pumping stations, elevated tanks and elec. <br />tric power sub.stations. <br />(b) Golf courses, country club, tennis club, pUbllc swimming <br />pool, CommWlity centers, Stadium, private swimming pools <br />when intended to serve more than one family. The pIinci. <br />ple structure or building relating to any of the above list. <br />ed uses shall not be located less than 50 feet from any ad. <br />jacent lot in an "R" District. <br />(c) Extraction of sand, gravel or other material and removal <br />from the site but not processing the same on site. Said <br />special permit shall include a finished grading plan which <br />will not adversely affect the surrounding land or develop- <br />ment of surrounding land. <br />(d) Private nursery, grade and high schools, provided the prin. <br />cipal structure shall not be located less than 50 feet from. <br />any adjacent lot in an lOR" District. <br />5.2-4.'Lot Area, Heights, Fronmge and Yard Requirements <br /> <br />(a) No structure or building shall exceed two and one-half <br />(2-% stories or 30 feet in height whichever is the lesser in <br />height. <br />(b) The floor-area-ratio within the "R-1" District shall not ex. <br />ceed 0.3. <br />(c) A side street yard on a corner lot shall not be lCliS than <br />30 feet <br />(d) The folloWing minimum requirements shall be observed: <br />Lot Lot Set Backs <br />Lot Area W~dth Depth Front Yd. Side Yd. BearYd. <br />Interior Lot 11,000 sq. it. 85 ft. 110 ft. 30 ft. 10 it. 30 ft. <br />Corner Lot 12,500 sq. ft 100 ft. 100 ft. 30 ft. 10;ft. 30 ft. <br /> <br />5.3 "B-2" TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRlOT <br />1.8-1. Permitted Uses <br /> <br />(a) Any use or structure permitted and as regulated in the "R-l <br />District except as hereinafter modified. <br />(J)) Two .family dwellings. <br /> <br />lJ.3.2. Pennltt.ed ~ Usee <br />Any use or structure permitted and as regulated under Perm.l.t- <br />ted Accessory Uses in the "&-1" Distr1ct. <br />6,3-3. U88!l by 8peclaI Permit <br />Any use or structure pennitted and as regulated under Use$ <br />by Special Permit in the "R-1'. District. <br />ls.34 Lot Area, Height, Frontage and. Yard Requirements <br />(a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half (2-%) stories <br />or 30 feet in height whichever is the lesser in height <br />(b) The floor-area-ratio within the "R.2" District shall not ex- <br />ceed 0.4. <br />(c) A side street yard on a corner lot shall not be less than <br />30 feet. <br />(d) The following mimmum reqUIrements shall be observed: <br />Lot Lot Set Backs <br />Lot Area Width Depth Front Yd. SideYd. Rear Yd. <br />Interior Lot 11,000 sq. ft. 85 ft. 110 ft. 30 ft 10 ft. 30ft. <br />Corner Lot 12,500 sq. ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. 30 ft. 10 ft 30 ft. <br />5.4 "R-3" GENERAL RESIDENCE DISTRICT <br />5.4-1. PeI'Dlitted Uses <br />(a) Multiple family dwellIngs. <br />(b) Two famIly dwellmgs. <br />'0.4-2 Pennitted Accessory Uses <br />(a) Any use or structure permitted and as regulated under <br />PermItted Accessory Uses In the "R.2" DIStrict except as <br />heremafter modifIed_ <br />5.4-3. Uses by Special Pennit <br />(a) Smgle family dwellmgs <br />(b) Uses as pernutted and regulated under Uses by Special <br />Permit in the "R-2" DIstrict. <br />(c) Hospital, samtarlUms, rest homes, nursing homes. <br />(d) Day nurserIes and nursery schools provided that not less <br />than 40 square feet of outside play space per child be pro" <br />vlded and that such space be suitably fenced and screened <br />in accordance With permit. <br />(e) Motels and motor hotels when located on property having <br />frontage on a State or Federal Highway. <br />(f) Cemeteries provided that a 30 foot yard shall be maj.ntain. <br />ed for landscaping purposes between the nearest cemetery: <br />lot and all adjacent land in the "R" Districts. <br />(g) Clubs and lodges - private, non-profit. <br />5.t4. Lot Area, Height, Frontage and Yard Requirements <br />(a) No structure or building shall exceed two and one-half <br />(2%) stories or 30 feet in height in whichever is the lesser <br />in height. <br />(b) The floor-area-ratio in the "R-3" District shall not exceed <br />0.5. <br />(e) A side street yard on a corner lot shall not be less t:ha.n <br />30 feet. <br />(d) Minim.wn lot area shall be 11,000 sq. ft. for interior lots <br />and 12.,500 sq. ft. for corner lots. <br />(e) The fOllowing minimum requirements shall be Obsetved: <br />Lot Area Lot Lot Set Backs <br />Per Unit Width Depth Front Yd. Side Yd. &ear Yd" <br /> <br />1,500 sq. it 85 ft. 100 it. 30 it. 10 it. 30 tt. <br /> <br />Vegetarian Society <br />To Meet May 28 <br /> <br />I.epI Netic. <br /> <br />Hope Chest FUld I.iling Call,ai,. <br /> <br />STATE OF Ml~~ <br />COUNTY OF <br />PR08A. TE COUJt.T <br />FIl:e No. Hl60 <br />Re Eatate ,. K.a.tIu!I'iae ~1 ~ <br />!mown as Kathorina MulIner. Kauwmna <br />MulIDer. llIId CatIIaiDe MuIJaw. DecledeDL <br />IT IS ORDERED that the ftnal &e" <br />oount and petllton for examination thereof <br />and lor diatn"batlaa filed ~ lie heard <br />011 Tuesday JUIle 9. 1959. at 2 o'clock <br />P.M_ by this cdurt in the Court House <br />In St PaU1, Mum. <br />(Seal) <br />WITNESS the RON. ANDREW A. <br />GLENN, Probate Judge, this 8th day of <br />May, 1959 <br />G E. ANDERSON Qerk <br />BERNARD N. LItMAN, Attorney <br />Address: <br />1044 Minnesota Bldg., <br />St. Paul I, Minnesota <br />May 14-21 28, 1959 <br /> <br />The annual door-to-door Hope <br />Che&t fund raising appeal for <br />MultIple Sclerosis, crippling dis- <br />ease of the central nervous sys- <br />tem. WIll take place locally and <br />across the nation on Wednesday <br />evening, May 27. <br /> <br />A hoped for several hundred <br />doorbell ringing volunteers will <br />be on the march in Roseville, <br />Falcon Heights, Little Canada, <br />New Bnghton and Arden Hills. <br />askmg for contrIbutions. <br /> <br />Funds will be used to pay for <br />patient care for local M.S_ vie- <br /> <br />tims. Some money will help fi. <br />nan~e large-scale research pro- <br />grams now undexway to fmd a <br />means of preventing and curing <br />the dIsease. <br /> <br />The Vegetarian Society of Min. <br />nesota will meet Thursday. May <br />28, at 7:45 p.m. in the Teacher's <br />Federation Rooms, 25 East <br />Fifth Street, St. Paul. Minneso- <br />ta. This WlIl be "Information <br />Please" NIght with audience <br />partiCIpation. The publiC is wel- <br />come and refreshments will be <br />served. <br /> <br />Volunteers are desperately <br />needed. One can sign up by tel- <br />ephonmg local chaIrmen In <br />Roseville, Mrs. Ralph Boude- <br />wyns at IV 4-4946; Little Canada <br />Mrs. Casmlr Willard, IV 4 2958; <br />Falcon HeIghts, Mrs. WillIs War- <br />kentlen, MI 42908; and Arden <br />Hills, Mrs. Mohan Sekhon, Me <br />33460. <br /> <br />" - -.- ,.,.... -----.:~~ <br /> <br />Subscribe To Jhe <br />Rose Tribune <br /> <br />15 slips <br /> <br />... THE ROSE TRIBUNE ... <br /> <br />Continued from page 14 <br /> <br />1 bedroom <br />unit <br />More than <br />1 bedroom <br /> <br />...... ...... .' <br />..' SECTION ILT:29,R.23. '. <br /> <br />" . '. . .... . <br />L ... \.z. -~-~~ ~-~- . -~".~ <br />..'.< mt T~ ~-~...............-~........i+i:o+~-~--x-\~ "" -if~ ......-.-+tr'Jf~~ ,.,.,., <::.oVl4n ;.C:~ ~~'-"Y~-" :;:~:'.~~:;: ~~,~::,,::,:.:.-:- ~ ~"'\""":-''''f:::: <br />.,..t'''' L-- l' .>"1- ...-' - ,.%'w="-, ~ '~1 ~ ~- ~,,~m~. :rl':r'.'~ <br />_ :... _ "J ''''''___;; d>; \ At'. . 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Where the rear yard adjoins a residential district a <br />screen wall of not less than four feet and not greater than <br />six (6) feet shall be installed and maintained by the ow. <br />er of the busmess parcel to effectively inhibit eye-level vis- <br />sion between residential and business areas. <br />6.1.2 Floor Area. Ratio: RatIO between floor area of building and <br />lot area in all business districts shall not be greater than 1.0. <br />6.1-3 Building H~hts: Building heights in Business Dis1:rict8 <br />shall be limited to three (3) stones, except in "B-1" Districts <br />wherein the followmg limitations WIll apply: <br />Buildmg heights ,in "B-1" DistriCts shall be a maximum of <br />three (3) stones, except where buildings III a "B-1" Di3- <br />mct are WIthm 150 feet of a I"esidential zone, such build- <br />ings shall be limited to one-half (1 %) stories or the aver- <br />age height of eXlsting residential bUIldings within 150 feet <br />of a proposed "B-1" buildmg, whichever is greater. The <br />Village Council may grant a SpecIal permit tor a building <br />III a "B-1" DIStrICt to be a maxImum of three (3) stories <br />upon application of a petitioner and holding of a publio <br />hearing thereto. Upon granting such a special permit. the <br />CounCIl may Impose such conditions which may be ap- <br />propriate to protect the public health, safety or welfare. <br />6.14. Off~treet Pa.rldng - shall be provided as follows in all busi. <br />ness districts. <br />(a) Size of Parking Space: Space for a single vehicle shall not <br />be less than eight and one-half (8 %) feet by twenty (~)I <br />feet with adequate aIsles for ingress and egress, A general <br />standard of three hundred (300) square feet per space shall <br />be used for computing parking requirements. <br />(b) Nwnber of Spaces: Off-street car parking space shall be pro <br />vided for each use as follows: <br />Dwellings: One space per dwelling unit. <br />Motels: One space per unit. <br />Hospitals One space for every three (3) beds. <br />Restaurants: One space for every (3) seats. <br />Churches: One space for every (3) seats <br />or one space for every five (5) feet <br />of pew length. <br />Bowling alley: Five spaces for each lane. <br />Retail One space for every eighty.five (85) <br />Business: square feet of retail sales or service area. <br />Other One space for each one hundred and <br />Businesses: fifty (1.50) square feet of floor area. <br />(c) Surfacing: Off-street parking areas shall be surfaced with <br />properly stabilized, durable, dust free crushed rock material <br />or Tarvia surface or equivalent. Areas shall be properly: <br />constructed and maintained so as to be usable under all <br />weather conditions for normal traffic usage. Plans and spe. <br />ciflications for parking areas shall be filed With building <br />plans and shall be subject to approval of the Building In- <br />spector. <br />(d) Drainage: Off.street parking areas shall be SO graded. and <br />and drained so as to dispose of all surface water. Drainage <br />plans shall be subject to the approval of the VlUage Engi. <br />neer. <br /> <br /> <br />~ en, Jl8P 11 <br /> <br />lelthll LIIIII For.. II lo.vil'. <br /> <br />An eight team men's softbaJll <br />league has been fonned by the <br />Recreation Board of the Village <br />of Roseville for play during the <br />coming months. The league will <br />be called the Roseville Softball <br />League. <br />Teams entering the play in- <br />clude the Roseville FIre Depart- <br />ment, Roseville Police, Roseville <br />Shoreview Jaycees. North Sub- <br />urban Plumbing, Dick and Mar- <br />y's, Ramsey Teachers, Post Of- <br />fice Employees and a team as <br /> <br />yet un-named but to be managed <br />by Jack Borden. <br /> <br />The league will play its games <br />on Wednesdays and Friday nites <br />at 6:30 P.M. on the Lexington <br />SChool and Fairview SChool <br />softball diamonds. The league <br />will playa single round of gam- <br />es and complete the season with <br />an elimination tourney to deter- <br />mine the titlest. Play will start <br />on June 3rd, while the deadline <br />for entering the league has been <br />set for May 27th. <br /> <br />WTeN - 1280 <br /> <br />Shop Suburban <br /> <br />I <br />f: <br /> <br />COMPLETE VISION CARE <br />Dr.L. A. Meyer <br />OPTOMETRIST <br /> <br />RosevilIe Medical - Dental Bldg. <br />2174 No. Snelling <br /> <br />By Appointment Tues., Thurs., Sat. <br /> <br />Ca.lI Mi 5-4055 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />