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Regular City Council Minutes - 06/16/03 <br />Minutes -Page 14 <br />from the applicant that they were withdrawing their <br />request for an appeal of administrative recorr~rnendation; <br />with the applicant responding affirmatively. <br />Councilmember Schroeder sought clarification from the <br />applicant that the area designated for employee parking <br />would not be used for trailer parking; with the applicant <br />responding affirmatively, given that the surface was not <br />designed for the weight of the trailers. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn opened the Public Hearing at 8:15 <br />p.m., with no one appearing for or against, and closed the <br />Public Hearing at 8:16 p.m. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Kough, Schroeder, Klausing, Maschka and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: None. <br />VII. Land Use Land Use <br />A. Consider a New Monopole Communications tower on Consider a New <br />the Civic Center Campus for City Emergency and Monopole <br />Non-Emergency Use and for Lease to Co-Located Communications <br />Private Communications Companies Tower on the Civic <br /> Center Campus for <br />4.1A Emergency and <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Maschka seconded, declaration of the Non-Emergency <br />City Hall campus as a city site under Section 10,12.1 OA3 Use and for Lease <br />of the Roseville City, specifically identifying the area as a to Co-Located <br />proposed installation site. Private <br /> Communications <br />Planning Consultant Thomas Paschke reviewed the Companies <br />request. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Kough, Schroeder, Klausing, Maschka and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: None. <br />4.1B <br />Kysylyczyn moved, Kough seconded, identifying the site <br />for the future installation of a monopole communication <br />