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Regular City Council Minutes - 06/16/03 <br />Minutes -Page 37 <br />compost piles, reducing their size and the process more <br />quickly; and deferred to staff expertise and <br />recommendation. <br />Councilmember Schroeder addressed his support of the <br />leaf pick up and composting as it benefited storm sewers <br />and streets, along with providing a service to the residents; <br />but expressed concern in the cost of equipment, and the <br />long-term commitment being made as to .the equipment <br />purchase and continuation of the program for the city. <br />Further discussion included the market value available in <br />selling the equipment and the limited market. <br />Councilmember Klausing expressed support of providing <br />the compost program on a long-term basis as a continued <br />benefit to the citizens, suggesting user fees or closer <br />monitoring of the compost site to limit unwarranted <br />dumping ofnon-compost-type materials. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn expressed his appreciation to legal <br />counsel for providing the additional information; and <br />spoke against the motion, opining that he wasn't <br />convinced that composting on city-owned property or <br />vacuuming pick up was efficient, recognizing a bigger <br />public policy issue. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Klausing. <br />Nays: Kough, Schroeder, Maschka and Kysylyczyn. <br />Motion failed. <br />XII. Approval of Minutes <br />A. Approval of Minutes of June 9, 2003 <br />Kough moved, Klausing seconded, approval of the June 9, <br />2003 regular Council meeting minutes as amended. <br />Corrections: <br />^ Page 10; Item VII, A., Land Use, North Heights <br />Lutheran Church and School...(PF 3449) <br />