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12egular City Council Minutes - 06/16/03 <br />Minutes -Page 7 <br />Maschka moved, x:lausing seconded, approval of the <br />alternate plan as presented, with minor revisions as <br />discussed, for renovation and layout design for the Council <br />Chambers. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Kough, Schroeder, Klausing, Maschka and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />Nays: None. <br />Recess Recess <br />Prior to recessing the meeting, Mayor Kysylyczyn again <br />reviewed the Agenda revisions for tonight's meeting and sought <br />any interest in the variances under consideration on the Consent <br />Agenda; with no one commenting or in attendance with the <br />exception of applicants on two (2) of the variance requests <br />(Sextant and Fernwood). <br />It was noted that Kay Andrews of Northwest Youth & Family <br />Services had arrived at the meeting earlier than she had <br />previously intimated to Mayor Kysylyczyn. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn recessed the meeting at 7:11 p.m. and <br />reconvened the meeting at 7:33 p.m. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn announced that Assistant Community <br />Development Director Cathy Bennett had copies of the layout <br />map for interested audience members related to Item VIII E <br />under Reports and Recommendations entitled, "Discuss <br />Roseville Properties' Memorandum. of Understanding for <br />Developing Part of Twin Lakes (PF 3232)." <br />V. Recognitions Recognitions <br />VI. Public Hearings Public Hearings <br />A. Consider United Properties Final Plan Approval at Ordinance 1282 <br />2800 Arona Street (PF 3457/3243) Consider United <br />Properties Final <br />8.1 Plan Approval at <br />Maschka moved, Kough seconded, approval of the final 2800 Arona Street <br />plat and Subdivision and Public Improvements Agreement (PF 3457/3243) <br />