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Regular City Council Minutes - 06/16/03 <br />Minutes -Page 6 <br />Ms. Anderson provided various design options to enlarge <br />the presentation table, while still allowing for it to be <br />wired for technology and sound. <br />Councilmember Schroeder opined that, while less <br />expensive to achieve, simply upgrading the existing plan <br />appeared less than ideal, and expressed support of the <br />Alternate. <br />Ms. Anderson concurred, discussing the difficulty in <br />achieving the grade necessary for ADA compliance for the <br />ramp, with the dais area between staff and <br />Councilmembers, as well as one room exit, still not ADA <br />compliant, opining her preference for Alternate Plan. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn provided several concerns he had with <br />the Alternate Plan that would need adjustment, including <br />revisions to the presentation table making it two-tiered to <br />allow most presenters to stand in order to save time, while <br />allowing presenters who may need the handicap <br />accessibility to use the lower level. Mayor Kysylyczyn <br />also addressed a possible second portable podium or <br />microphone; existing audio problems in Chambers; <br />presentation levels and grade changes; and considering <br />more of a curve for the Council bench, or consideration of <br />a U-shaped table, and suggested several examples he had <br />seen. <br />Councilmember Klausing concurred with the grade issue <br />and needed sight line improvements. <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn noted that a Special Council meeting <br />had been called for June 30, 2003 for processing the <br />construction bid package; suggesting that staff return with <br />the minor revisions discussed tonight to the Alternate Plan, <br />at which time the Council can give their approval to <br />proceed with the remainder of the bid package. <br />Councilmembers concurred with the proposal for revising <br />the Alternate Plan for final presentation at the June 30, <br />2003 Special Council meeting. <br />