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<br />Regular City Council Minutes - 11/24/03 <br />Page 12 <br /> <br />that the City Council pursue a Request for Proposals <br />(RFP) process before taking further action. <br /> <br />Con1n1unity Development Director Dennis Welsch, at the <br />request of Mayor Kysylyczyn, responded to Mr. Sands' <br />concerns, noting that the City had invested 15 years in the <br />process; with the next step to enter into a Preliminary <br />Master Developer Agreement, with an additional 90 days <br />for further refinement and negotiation; with some areas <br />perhaps relating to the original Ryan proposal, and <br />recognizing that Ryan was still involved in the process to- <br />date. <br /> <br />Counciln1ember Maschka, at the request of Mayor <br />Kysylyczyn, responded to Mr. Sands' concerns the field of <br />developers not be limited, opining that this process <br />allowed broad input and would not limit the field of <br />developers or participants, and that everyone would be at <br />the table and have an opportunity to provide input. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Welsch, in response to <br />a question of Councilmember Klausing related to staff s <br />support of the proposal, noted that five alternatives had <br />been considered and brought forward by staff to the <br />Council, and that while staff differed in their preference of <br />the best option, the City and its residents would be <br />provided the greatest opportunity for participation in either <br />the Master Developer or Site Developer scenarios, which <br />were considered viable options by staff. <br /> <br />After further discussion, Mayor Kysylyczyn recognized <br />Mr. Michael Noonan, representing Rottlund Companies, to <br />provide his perspective. <br /> <br />Michael Noonan, Rottlund Company, Inc. <br />Mr. Noonan addressed the process and apparent confusion <br />as to what would be presented in the 90 days, noting that <br />the Preliminary Master Developer Agreement would <br />establish the process of how a plan was developed, and as <br />ideas were brought forward to the Advisory Stakeholder <br />Team, Planning Commission, and eventual City Council <br />