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R�;SOLU'I'ION OF THE <br />LEAGU�, OF MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGII'TS COMMISSIUNS <br />Ylay 22, 2011 <br />Be It Resolved That... <br />Whereas, states have an interest in promoting family units as a means toward achicving <br />social stability, private economic inlerdependcnce, and healthicr environments in which <br />both children and adults may prosper, and <br />Whereas, the �.S. Census for 2010 indicated that farnilies headed by or consisting of <br />same-sex couples reside in every county in Minnesota, and <br />Whereas, the tinited States Supreme Coui1 azid others have noted tliat the dimcnsions of <br />"family" have expanded considerably in recent ycars, and <br />Whereas, an amendment to tl�e Minnesota Constitution has been proposed that would <br />ban the legal recognition of same-sex relationships within the statc of Minnesota, and <br />Whereas, such an amendment would frustrate thc Statc's goal of promoting Camilies, by <br />withhoiding from some familics important legal rights and obligations, and <br />Whercas, constitutions historically have been designed to protect minoritics from the <br />arbitrary imposition of unjust barriers by tlte majority, and <br />Whereas, this legisl�tion, if approved, would have a direct, negative impact on <br />Minnesota's GLBT community in particular, by denying equal protection of the law and <br />relegating families headed by or consisting of same-sex couples to a pec•manent second- <br />class citizcnship status, and <br />�Vhereas, the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions recognizes that our <br />society benefits in proportion to its effoits to ensure cultural diversity and maintain an <br />environment in which all feel welcome and safe, and <br />Whereas, such discriminatory legislation effectivcly devalues cultural diversity and <br />promotes an environment in which discrimination against GLBT citizens is not only <br />encouraged but mandated, resulting in a community that is neither welc<»ne nor safe, <br />Therefore be it resolved that the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions hereby <br />states publicly its opposition to changing the Vlinnesota constitution in order to ban thc lcgal <br />recognition of same-sex relationships and unions, and <br />Be it furthermore resolved tUat this document �vil] be presentcd to members of thc press, in <br />addition to our membcrship. <br />Ccrti�cation <br />This resolution was approved by a vote of thc Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota <br />Human Riglits Commissions on vlay 22, 201 l, with a total vote of' 13 Board Members, 13 of <br />whom voted in the affirmative, 0 of whom voted in the negative, and 0 of whom abstained. <br />� <br />League of' Minnesota Human Rights Commissions <br />By the Board of Uirector's Secretary <br />