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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26,2012 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she personally liked moving from the gen- <br /> eral to specific in that order, with the mission statement first and points supporting <br /> that mission statement listed separately. Councilmember McGehee also ex- <br /> pressed her preference for the existing mission statement as the umbrella state- <br /> ment, followed by specifics pointing to it. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that, from his point of view and draft document, he supported <br /> the first thing driving the City Council was what the community aspired to and <br /> wanted to achieve, then followed by City government in service to those aspira- <br /> tions and goals. Mayor Roe noted that his version separated community from or- <br /> ganizational aspirations, since he thought the community aspirations should drive <br /> the rest. <br /> City Manager Malinen noted that, with concurrence from Mayor Roe, the com- <br /> munity the aspirations were essentially a restatement of the broader Imagine Ro- <br /> seville 2025 goals. <br /> City Manager Malinen opined that, while those goals worked well as a broad cat- <br /> egory of focus for the organization and represented the community, the Depart- <br /> ment Heads restated them for specific initiatives and projects under that broader <br /> category; and in line with department-specific strategic plans. If that was the con- <br /> sensus of the City Council, then the existing mission statement would work well <br /> as an independent statement, moving from a broad statement, then broken down <br /> into categories that drive strategic planning now and in the future. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the mission statement itself could become the introduc- <br /> tory statement of the aspirational statements as well. <br /> Councilmember Johnson agreed with the comments of Councilmember McGehee <br /> with the existing mission statement (Attachment A); however, he agreed with <br /> Mayor Roe that the mission statement should go after aspirations. Councilmem- <br /> ber Johnson expressed his preference that the aspirations and goals, along with the <br /> mission statement move forward, since he opined that they captured the views of <br /> the community, the City Council and staff. <br /> Councilmember Willmus concurred with Councilmembers McGehee and Johnson <br /> that the mission statement should lead, and then flow into the community aspira- <br /> tions. However, Councilmember Willmus opined that he preferred mission <br /> statement(Attachment B)better than either that of either Attachments A or C. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her preference for the mission statements <br /> and outline of Attachment D since it included a mission statement for the entire <br /> City, then one specific to the City Council, at least this particular City Council but <br /> not necessarily all future City Councils since that mission statement may change <br /> based on changes in community aspirations or changes in the community itself. <br />