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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 26,2012 <br /> Page 8 <br /> However, Councilmember McGehee questioned the bullet point (line 25) of At- <br /> tachment D that included "...mentally active and healthy..." questioning how the <br /> City could possibly meet that aspiration since it was an individual issue. <br /> Councilmember Johnson opined that the community could aspire toward that <br /> goal. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the other things were individual goals but <br /> overarching in Attachment A; however, she still preferred Attachment D, with the <br /> exception on the mental health statement. <br /> Mayor Roe provided his perspective of Attachment D in relation to having a City <br /> and City Council mission statement separately, expressing his preference that the <br /> City Council as part of City government, and in Attachment A, the mission state- <br /> ment made reference to both staff and the City Council, recognizing their differ- <br /> ent roles; and then leading to aspirations. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed his support for Attachment A as a starting point; with his <br /> secondary support for the mission statement in Attachment B, suggesting that the <br /> two be melded; leading into aspirations similar to those of Attachment B. Re- <br /> garding the aspiration language of Attachments C and D, Mayor Roe recognized <br /> the need to be more concise; however, he had specifically chosen certain words, <br /> and those provided in Attachments C and D didn't serve the same purpose in cap- <br /> turing the meaning of what he was attempting to accomplish in his language, and <br /> those things from the Imagine Roseville 2025 and the Parks and Recreation Mas- <br /> ter Plan. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that neighborhoods would be physically con- <br /> nected through parks and trails and technologically connected through e-mails, <br /> etc. Councilmember McGehee suggested that while overall they could be provid- <br /> ed with more opportunities to be cohesive, they could also draw together as a <br /> group to form their own sub-community as parallel structures. Councilmember <br /> McGehee volunteered to work with Mayor Roe on further wordsmithing the doc- <br /> ument. <br /> Related to the "physically and mentally active and health; and..." statement on <br /> Attachment B, Mayor Roe noted that this language was taken directly from past <br /> documents for a healthy community,both physically and mentally. <br /> Councilmember Willmus, speaking to Attachment B's aspirations, opined that he <br /> could see the parks function in most of those items; and concurred with Mayor <br /> Roe on spelling it out and specifying it; and supported the aspirations outlined in <br /> Attachment B, including keeping physically and mentally health. However, <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he was willing to compromise on the for- <br /> mat of the mission statement itself. <br />