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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 26,2012 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that he and Councilmember McGehee, as a subcommittee, <br /> work on revising it further and return to the full body with a revised draft. <br /> Councilmembers Johnson and Willmus concurred. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thanked staff for their input. <br /> b. Discuss City Manager's Goals <br /> A bench handout, entitled, "Roseville City Manager Goals Suggestions dated <br /> 9.2011-12.2012" was provided with minor revisions as noted, and attached here- <br /> to and made a part hereof <br /> Mayor Roe and City Manager Malinen highlighted those minor revisions to Goals <br /> 1 and 5. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Councilmember McGehee for her work in developing these <br /> goals based on City Manager Malinen's draft and previous modifications and in- <br /> put from individual Councilmembers over the last few months; and expressed his <br /> appreciation for the final document and additional input of City Manager Malinen <br /> over the last week. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that additional formatting be done to convert the <br /> printing to all be horizontal, rather than vertical for categories; and expressed her <br /> preference that a word other than "competency" be used, such as "areas of exper- <br /> tise. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the language from the evaluation form itself or survey <br /> be used to remain consistent. <br /> Councilmember McGehee referenced page 5, item 3 and suggested that the lan- <br /> guage be revised to read: "Support efforts of the Civic Engagement Task Force," <br /> with the Outcome Measurements for City Manager Malinen that: "Following the <br /> Human Rights Commission Civic Engagement report presentation to the City <br /> Council, and their acceptance of that report, the City Council would establish pri- <br /> orities; and the City Manager would bring his plan for implementing those priori- <br /> ties to the City Council." <br /> Councilmember Johnson concurred; and referencing the "competency" category, <br /> stated that the City Council was looking to evaluate the level or areas of execution <br /> by the City Manager in his annual review; and would be better reflected with a <br /> category such as "level of execution in these areas." <br /> After further discussion, it was the consensus of Councilmembers to completely <br /> remove the "competency" heading and address "outcome measurements" more <br /> specifically. <br />