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03/21.i~002 23:10 FAX <br />If you are considering your complaint to court, <br />please consult an attorney before signing the waiver fo~-r~x. <br /> <br />!~ 0 01 <br />L.lpon receipt of forms, Staff will dete~-~nine if your complaint rrzeets the Dews Council <br />criteria.. Council staff accepts a cornplain.t if it raises questions of journalistic fairness <br />that are addressable at a hearing. It does not mean the staff judges the complaint to be <br />va]_id. If the complaint does not meet the l~e~vs Council's criteria, staff will send. a letter <br />explaining tl-ie reasons for rejection and the procedure for appealing the decisl®n. <br />C C~~~~ <br />The panty brlrsging the complaint r~aust have been named or clearly alluded to in <br />the story. If a calparation or group is the named party, a responsible person - <br />officer, board member, family megnber -can act as the complainant. <br />Complaints must question journalistic practices relating to fairness or accuracy of <br />a published or broadcast news story or editorial. The Council does not accept <br />con~zplaints about non-coverage, business decisions, circulation ar advertising. <br />(Complaints about political advertising are considered on a case-by -ea.Ce bas7s;. <br />The story must have appeared no .more than six months before the news <br />organization receives notice of the eoinplaint from either the. eomplain:ant or the <br />Itie~vs Council. A complaint received after that may be accepted only if the news <br />outlet agrees. The complaint will be allowed to proceed after the 6-month <br />deadline if the complainant has been actively trying to resolve the complaint with <br />the news outlet during that period. <br />The Mews Council considers complaints against news outlets -television. and <br />radio stations, newspapers, magazines, wire service and the Internet. It does not <br />consider complaints against publications or broadcasts that do not purport to be <br />rr news. rr <br />Third-party caznplaints -those brought by individuals or groups not named or <br />clearly alluded to -will be considered byj the Complaints Committee if they raise <br />sign cant ethical issues of concern to the general public.-- .~ third-party <br />complaint will not be accepted if there i:s a competent first party who could bring <br />the complaint. -- The Complaints Conunittee reviews all third-party complaints <br />and accepts complaints at its discretion. -- Day (one of the camplaint timeline <br />(next page} begins when the Committee decides to accept the complaint. If the <br />Committee rejects the complaint, you may appeal the decision to the executive <br />Cornniittee. <br />The Mews Council does not accept. complaints of current or past employees of <br />news outlets about the employee _employer relationship, unless that relationship <br />becomes the subject of news coverage. <br />The ?`~ezvs Council may assist in resolving complaints between parties outside <br />Minnesota if both parties consent. <br />t - ~~ Z'~ot a~ complaints are addressable at a Dews Council hearing; in <br />