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03: 21r `?f~Q2 2 ; : 1~ ~`:~X <br />some cases the Coczncil c~u~. offer a pubhc or private for-urn. <br />A private farua~ is a meeting between a Iarnited number of cora~plainants and cane or <br />more news cutlets about a specific complaint. that is less likely try be of ir~aterest to <br />the general p~~blic.A private forum has aproblem-solving focus. <br />public forums are of intei°est to a Iarge group of people, involve a nurn.ber of ed.ia <br />®rgani~ations, and zr~ise questions abt~ut corm®n journalistic practices. The purpose <br />of a public fc~rixnl is a public airing ®f the issues. <br />~esi.des these, Council staff keeps track. of trends in complaints and produces a <br />qu~~-terly newsletter to 1{eep media e~eoutives abreast of the kinds of iZehaviors that <br />are leading to complaints. amour complaint n~a.y appear in ghat ne~vs.l.etter, with <br />identifying in~rorxnation rern.c~ved. <br />C~ ~ ~ <br />(~ ~ Cl 2 <br />Day ~ e ~~ithin 4$ hours of our receiving the complaint forms, we inform the news <br />organizatiati that a complaint has beery Tiled and that, unless the parties report it <br />as resolved within 3~ days, a hearing will be scheduled. <br />The news organization is asked to respond to the complainant within 10 days, tivith a <br />cagy to the I~Tews Council. A cagy of the corriplaint and signed wasver, and a copy of <br />the Cc3uncil's procedures, are sent to the news arganization. <br />Council staff will. offer the free services of a professional ~nedi.ator. <br />Days 10 c~ 2C): Staff asks both pt~-ties i.f they have made any progress in resolving the <br />complaint and renews the offer of mediation. <br />Day 3~ (or earlier, if c®mplainanl: gives notice that no resolution is possible and <br />regtaests a het~ring): Staff will ask you if you°re satisfied with the news outlet`s proposed <br />resolution. <br />1 } If yes, staff will record the case as resolved. <br />2} If no, staff will: <br />a} con:L~:rxxr the ne~.t a~ra-ilable hearing date, az~.d <br />b) ask you and the news outlet to submit final written statements that <br />include any new information obtained during the process of trying to <br />resolve the complaint. <br />"The Complaints Corntnittee will review the complaint materials and may ask for <br />additional documentation, nlay decide that an expert witness should be present at the <br />hearing, or may reject irrelevant docu.rnentation. The Cog~rrrittee will help word th.e Ti.nal <br />notable question(s). <br />The final infozmation packet may contain up to 25 pages of info~-rnation fr®rn each <br />party. If you believe the Complaints Coxz~ittee has withdrawn material that would Delp <br />your case, you can object in a letter tQ the st:~ff. <br />The following materials wily be included in the final complaint package (which ~ <br />available to the public) <br />ariginal complaint forrtz; <br />