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i?3~21/`?C~(}~ 2,x:11 ~'~l <br />~ ~~ <br />sig-tied ~,v~~.ver for~rz; <br />_ letter of con~plai.r~t or summary of con-~plaint; <br />_ letter of response or surn~nai-y of response from the news organization; <br />_ published story or stones (audro or videos if relevat~t} <br />documentation supporting corr~plaint and respoL2se; <br />_ final staternent of complaint; <br />_..._ fin~11 staterr~ent of response, <br />prior Mews Council. deterrniuations on sirnilar cases for informational purposes. <br />you may continue to try to resolve the complaint prior, to the day of the hearing. <br />Lim i ~~ <br />~iea~-in,gs are generall~.T held frorrl n®on to mid-afternoon. wearing dates will be strictly <br />adhered to unless rescheduling is necessary d~~e to extraordin~-iz-y circumstances. See <br />calendar for dates in the current year. <br />Location of a wearing: I~!Iost hearings take place in the Twin Cities. when both <br />panties live more than two hours outside the Twin Cities, a smaller group (6-12 Council <br />members} may conduct a hearing in your city, or we nay arrange atwo-way <br />videoconference with the full Council. <br />If you need special aceorn~nodations or services -access tcs parking for disabled persons, <br />or asign-language or oilier interpreter, for example -please aslc the Complaints <br />associate a week in advance. <br />~.1 ~`® <br />~. Complainant at~d then the news organization may <br />mare rebu st~tenn~.e~.ts.5. ~~e~vs Council asks <br />rluestions of both paz-ties to illu~~linate the issues. <br />b. ems Counc rncl~ez~s deliberate among <br />therraselves in public. The c®naplainant and respondent <br />may ask to speak if they thznk additional irzfvl-madon is <br />needed fr~r c1az-ity, but Council anc~nbers will not ask <br />fux-ther questions. <br />~~ x~~~ ~~~~r <br />~t ~. ~~~~~~~ <br />The complainant. fu sortie <br />instances (such as illness <br />or legal ineornpetence} the <br />complainant may have a <br />representative speak. <br />Neither party may be <br />represented by an attorney <br />except under <br />extraordinary <br />eircumstances . <br />expert witnesses called ley <br />the Council, <br />Other ~~titnesses: Tell <br />