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if you are consid.e~-ing tang yo~.~r con~pl~zint to court, <br />please col~s~..~lt an ~:ittorne~f bef®re sigr~.i~g the ~~al~Fe~- forrrr~. <br />'s_. <br />~~pc~n receipt of f®rs, staff ~%ill determine if yoi~:I- col~plail~t I~neets tl~e ?~Ee~Fs Cc~une~.l <br />Crltel'~.a. Coul~cil staff accepts a complaint if it raises uestic~n.s of joul°~~aall.stic fai~-l~ess <br />that: are acicil-essable at a healing. It does not mean the staff judges the complaint to be <br />valid. if the cornplai.nt does not meet tl~e I'*lews Council's ci°iteria, staff will send a letter <br />explail~Iing the reasons for I•ejection a~-ld the procedul-e f®r appealing tl~e®I~. <br />c~ ~ ~ <br />rI`he paI-ty briinging tl~Ie must have been named ar cle~.~.-l~I ail~.~ded to in <br />the story. If a col-pol-ation oI- gY-oilp is the named party, a responsible persoll - <br />officer, b€~fu-d rneI-Inber, family rnelnber -can act as the co~Iplail~ant. <br />~'olr4plaints r4lust questi®n journalistic pI•actices relating to fall'11ess or accuracy of <br />a published C:I: broadcast Dews story or editorial. The Council does not accept <br />c©I-np1al€zts about non-co~rerage, business decisions, circulation ®r advertising. <br />(Complaints about political advertising are consid.el-ed on a case-by-case basis). <br />'f`he story must have appeared no more than six. Months before the news <br />organizafiion receives n®tice of the corrlplaint from either the corr~plainant or tl~e <br />dews Council. A complaint I-eceivecl after that n°~ay be accepted olzly if the news <br />outlet agrees. rI'he corl~plairlt will be allowed to proceed after the ~-r~IOnth <br />deadline if tl-Ie complainant has been actively trying to resolve the complaint with <br />the mews outlet during that pzriod. <br />The Dews Council. considers complaints against clews outlets -television and <br />radio statians, newspapers, magazines, Wire service anal the internat. It does not <br />consider corr~pla~Ilts against publlcat~ons or broadcasts that d® not purport to be <br />"news." <br />`third-pal-t~j corrlplaints -those brought by individuals or groups not nan~Ied or <br />clearly alluded to -will be considered. by the Complaints Committee if they raise <br />sigl~Ii_ficant ethical. issues of concern to the general public.-- A third-party <br />c®rriplaint `viii clot be accepted if there is a competent first paI-ty who could bring <br />the complaint. -- ~'he Complaints Co~n.I~I.ittee reviews all. third-party complaints <br />and accepts complaints at its discretion. -- lay Cane of tine cornpl.aint timeline <br />(newt paged begins When the C®I"I1rI'littee decides to accept the complaint. If the <br />Col~rlmittee rejects the complaint, you Inay appeal the decision to the ~xecuti~~e <br />Con~arnilttee. <br />~`he I~e~fs Council does not accept complaints of current or past emplo yeas of <br />news outlets about the el~Iployee _empl®yer relationship, unless that relationship <br />becomes the subject of news coverage. <br />'f'he yews Council rlZay assist in resolving corr~plaints between pax°ties outside <br />~~innesota if both. parties consent. <br />® ~ ~ ~ ,. _ <br />~;~~ ;, '.~y~ot all c®rnplaints are addressable at a ?~e~vs C®uncil hearing; iI~ <br />a <br />